Friday, 24 April 2009
What Is True Love?
Many gays will protest that God is a "God of love," and they think that as long as we're happy and in love - how could something so right be so wrong? They feel God couldn't condemn such relationships and wonder how anyone could think He would. But mortal thoughts and opinions aside (Prov. 14:12; Isa. 55:8), if there is a Creator God, and if the Bible is His Instruction Manual for mankind, we'd better base our beliefs solely on what's revealed within its pages. Faith must have a foundation (Rom. 10:17).
If the homosexual argument that "as long as we're happy and in love" is valid, couldn't the same defense be made to sanction incestuous relationships? Or premarital experiences or adulterous affairs? Do we always know what's best for us? Couldn't we be like grown-up teenagers who think they know everything, when in reality they don't?
Hasn't it been said, and true at times, that "love is blind?" Is it just a matter of feeling happy? Can't feelings fool us sometimes? Isn't that why family and friends have cautioned us to "keep your head above your heart?" Is all love proper? Are all affections good and healthy? What about being "lovesick?" Shouldn't there be some form of standards to judge by or criteria for character? Isn't there any game plan? Hasn't love too often been confused with lust (2 Sam. 13:15)?
Satan is "love!"
If we look into the Bible (not Freud, the latest sexual survey, or some kinky report), we'll find that it does condemn: the love of vanity (Ps. 4:2), of simplicity (Prov. 1:22), of excessive sleep (Prov. 20:13), of religious lies (2 Thes. 2:10), illicit sex, improper lovers, and "foreign affairs" (Ezek. 23:11, 17, 22; 16:37), of evil (Micah 3:2), drunkenness (Hos. 3:1), self-righteousness (Mat. 6:5; 23:6), of money (1 Tim. 6:10), this present world system and its ways (1 Jn. 2:15), spiritual darkness (Jn. 3:19), the kick-back of wrongdoing (2 Pet. 2:15), of ourselves in an unhealthy way and of cheap thrills (2 Tim.3:2,4), violence (Ps. 11:5), strife (Prov. 17:19), and even having a greater love for family or friends than for God (Matt. 10:37).
Therefore, the Bible clearly reveals that various forms of love and feelings are wrong, that certain human relationships are forbidden and condemned (Lev. 18), and that true love must be consistent with God's character and commandments (1 Jn. 5:3). Any other "love" isn't from God, but from Satan who is (such) "love!" He's the clever counterfeit; the snake who confuses the issues and twists the truth. It's precisely because God is Love (1 Jn. 4:8) that He wants to protect us from those Canaanite customs, perverted practices, and harmful ways that would ultimately undermine our land and lives (Lev. 18:30).
Still, some would angrily question how anyone could allow some old-fashioned Book to dictate their lives; after all, it's thousands of years old! But who would argue that the time-honored commandments against murder, or prohibition that protects private property or safeguards marriage and minds, or upholds honesty and virtue and being content are outdated? They're tried, tested, and true. Naturally, it's easier to accept something as long as it doesn't hit home or step on our toes. It's still typical, "A man (or woman) convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." Don't waste your time confusing them with the facts (Matt. 7:6; 15:14).
Obviously, this is a very sensitive subject. If someone does become convinced or converted to the truth - great! More power to them. But if others choose to continue in their contrary lifestyles, dying for sex rather than living for God and His Kingdom - that's their choice. God gives us all the prerogative to do as we please, but He strongly recommends and encourages us to "choose life" (Deut. 30:10); an even more appropriate message considering the high risk of AIDS. It's so difficult to TRANSCEND HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS - but we must, if and whenever it's necessary (Mark 10:28-30).
Living Responsible Lives
The "last days" are supposed to be reminiscent of earlier times, "as it was in the days of Noah," and "as it was in the days of Lot." How was it in days of yore? Just like today. Apparently, ignoring the dire need to make drastic changes in their lives, they conducted "business as usual" and fiddled about or got carried away with less important things (Deut. 32:47; Mark 4:19). It's recorded that they ate and drank, got married, and went to work everyday - until they were consumed by their burning desires and swept away by their sins (Luke 17:26-30).
What's wrong with eating and drinking or working? We might very well wonder. Didn't God create us with an appetite and a thirst, as well as a need for physical exertion? Yes, but certain tastes, desires and relationships should be nipped in the bud; not allowed to grow or develop or take root (Jas. 1:14-15)! Many things are good of and by themselves, and not wrong, but God's imposed conditions, restraints and guidelines for us to live by.
We're meant to enjoy those foods that God has blessed and offered us (Lev. 20:25; 1 Tim. 4:5), and even have an occasional drink, if we want. The Bible condemns gluttony, not eating; drunkenness, not drinking; greed, not need. It's what we do with what we're given. And we are instructed to work and be productive, but we're also commanded to remember the Sabbath (seventh day) to keep it holy. It's counterproductive to become too busy earning a living, that we neglect learning how to live (2 Pet. 3:18)!
Although we're at liberty to do almost anything, within reason (Gen. 2:16-17), we're to remember that we're held responsible for how we handle ourselves and manage our new-found freedoms (Ga. 5:13). We're not to abuse our privileges (1 Cor. 8:9), but be careful not to get caught up in things that could too easily get out of control (2 Pet. 2:20). A night of good, clean fun can quickly degenerate into an atmosphere of "just like the old times." We're entitled to time-out with the boys (or girls), just don't let your diversion become an obsession (1 Cor. 6:12) - as my mother once warned me!
Keep Your Head Above Your Heart!
Is it - as some would charge - being cold and cruel, even inhuman, to be in control of your mind and emotions? Isn't it rather mature to exercise proper self-control, sick and tired of giving in to compulsion? Isn't it judicious to carefully cross-examine every thought, thereby destroying the defense of our death sentence, commuting it in Christ (2 Cor. 1:9; 10:4-5; 1 Cor. 11:31)?
Doing what just comes natural or seems normal might excite Nietzsche; but it's not good enough for God. God wants us - mere mortals made out of matter - to come to resemble, think and act like Him. "Like Father, like Son." Why? Is God on some big ego-trip and wants a bunch of clones to come along for the joy-ride? No, but because it's the only way that'll work. He ought to know the secret for living happily ever after.
Mankind, after all, was created in the image of the Godkind, and shares the awesome potential to become composed of God's Spirit - after we've developed His characteristics (1 Cor. 15:53). God's eager to award us all the Diploma of Divinity after we've finished the course of conversion (2 Cor. 3:18). Therefore, instead of just doing what comes natural - we're to do the supernatural! We're to turn the other cheek instead of busting their jaw; forgive rather than fume; pray for our enemies rather than swear revenge, giving peace a chance. We're continually called to be different - in contrast, not conformity, to this world (Rom. 8:29).
There is a time and a place for "tough-love." We're not to show the "mercy of fools" for welfare frauds or lazy bums (2 Thes. 3:10), or have compassion on cold-blooded murderers or hardened criminals, despite their many appeals (1 Sam. 15:32-33; Rom. 13:4).
We shouldn't refuse to use corporal punishment (Prov. 13:24). It might hurt for awhile, but hopefully the lesson (that actions have consequences) will last a lifetime (Prov. 19:18; 23:13; 29:15). It could keep them out of worse trouble later (Ecc.8:11).
We're also not to allow our emotions for loved ones to lead us to hell (Deut. 7:3-4; 13:6-9), or wrong relationships to get in our way. Despite the grief of saying goodbye, and the pain of tearful separation (2 Sam. 3:14-16; Ezra 10:3), you've got to do what you've got to do. Why make it any more difficult? Don't procrastinate and prolong your misery. Get it over with and get on with your life! We don't have time to waste in no-win situations (Ephes. 5:16).
We shouldn't try and be more understanding and tolerant than God, but refuse to even associate with a Church member who's living in sin without any apology or shame (1 Cor. 5:1-2, 9-13). And we should NEVER entertain any notions about ordaining such people!
Of course, we shouldn't cop a self-righteous attitude (Ga. 6:1), but realize the prayerful purpose is to help restore everyone to their senses (knowing that ongoing sin results in an eternal separation). If and whenever such a person "comes to" (Luke 15:17, 20), he's to be welcomed back with wide-open arms (2 Cor. 2:6-8). A little love can go a long way, and encourage us to do even better - rather than give up. But sometimes the situation calls for "shock-treatment" (tough-love), as well as private counseling. "Different strokes for different folks," so to speak (Lk. 12:47-48).
The moral of this story? Don't get blinded by the light: the glitter of "love," the hot-flash of emotion, and the gleam of relationships (2 Cor. 11:14). The going price for fool's gold is too high to pay. Walk away. It's not worth it.
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