Saturday, 25 April 2009

Oh My God

�Oh my God,� or �Oh God,� are common expressions used world wide involuntarily at moments of recognition of an intense experience.
Some say it is a quick prayer or mini prayer and it comes out during extreme emotion. In my experience, I have heard it used as acknowledgement of a horrific event, an orgasm or news of a winning ticket. So I believe that it is simply an acknowledgement or affirmation but I don�t really connect it to the physical body so much as I do with the spiritual body.
I believe that the physical body is just a manifestation of the creator or spiritual body and it is the creator experiencing itself in the physical world. In the realm of the absolute this expression could not be experienced. Extreme joy, fear, hate, anger, delights and pleasures are the outward extremities of emotion. When the physical body experiences one of these it also acknowledges the connection with the one that created the emotion and the physical acknowledgement of that would be the expression of �Oh my God,� or �Oh God.�
These expressions are even used by people who are not outwardly connected to spirit, but are used unwillingly to express a moment of pure emotion expressed.
I believe that it is the creator expressing itself verbally. Everything about the creator is extreme and pure thought is not watered down. But watered down thoughts and emotions (we often fake them) are what we use in the physical life every day. We do not operate in the extreme very often, we move back and forth from it as we learn to deal with it effectively. When we do reach the extreme there is a �Hallelujah,� cry from the creator in recognition of reaching that extreme. It is the three parts of mind, body, and spirit coming together for that moment in a brief absolute, overwhelming experience of a pure emotion.
Humanity at some time experiences all the emotions, however most of our time spend in the physical world is time squandered leading up to the experience of them in their most intense form.
It is the recognition of a teacher observing the student reaching a mile stone with the �Yes,� expression, �I knew you could do it.� It is recognition of the validity of the teacher and what the teacher has accomplished and not so much of what the student consummated. It is the teacher expressing him/herself physically and the student is just the pawn. The role of the student was only to give opportunity for the teacher to experience herself as a teacher.
The role of humanity is to give experience to the one that created it. We are a manifestation of the God experience. We are God experiencing what God is and is not. When we reach the ultimate moment of God experiencing we express that recognition verbally as �Oh My God,� or �Oh God.� It is said through us, but not by us voluntarily. In that moment �God,� (the Creator) has spoken.
I know it as an affirmation of the connectivity between the physical body and that which created it no matter what you call it. It is that which was lost having been found. In the human condition there is no greater moment than when we make that connection.
There are only two extreme expressions of emotion and they are opposites, love vs. fear, and even fear is part of love. All others emotions are derived from these two emotions.

Friday, 24 April 2009

You CAN Change!

If we keep uppermost in mind the reason for our mortal existence, the SUPREME PURPOSE for our human-being; to establish contact with our Superior-Being and develop a relationship with Him - then we'll know and understand that everything God does is for our benefit. God wants to help us, not hinder us. He enjoys encouraging us to attain our goals and fulfill our potential (Luke 12:31-32). Father does know what's best: what He has in store for us is beyond our wildest dreams (Ephesians 3:20; 1 Corinthians 2:9)!
God is Love
If anyone decides to engage in illicit sex or become entangled in "foreign affairs," they're living a lie if they think that God could possibly approve of their improper conduct, and they're compounding their problems if they lead others astray by attempts to endorse such flagrant sin (Romans 1:32). Do what you want, but don't misrepresent God and His clear-cut biblical teachings! Don't try and put words in His mouth or censor what He's actually said (Revelation 22:18-19).
Yes, GOD IS LOVE! That's why He hates certain practices with a passion. He frowns upon a dishonest life of stealing, an unfaithful habit of "cheating" on our spouse, a disrespectful attitude towards our parents or persons in authority, religious holidays that are hollow and don't hallow His name, senseless killings and character assassination, idolatrous distractions that come between God and us, an endless trivial pursuit and preoccupation with ourselves and others, instead of putting God first! God loves us and wants us to love Him too, but He considers love more than a four-letter word: love is an attitude exemplified by actions, words that are backed up with deeds (Jas. 2:26). That's why Jesus said that if we really loved Him, we'd show it and not just say it (John 14:15).
Since God is love, and Father knows best, He wants us to practice safe-sex. A safe-sex that's good and wholesome, clean and pure, and only available within a marriage where both partners keep their vows and honor their commitments (Hebrews 13:4). Sexual intimacy, cuddling and coitus, belongs in the bedroom (of the biblically-bonded), and it's to involve the union of both minds and bodies (Genesis 2:24). Married couples are challenged to become compatible in every sense of the word. A marriage certificate doesn't have to be "just a piece of paper" or become another broken record! God does recognize the fact that marriage isn't for everyone (Matthew 19:11), but expresses His will that singles remain celibate (1 Thessalonians 4:3).
God only promises to bless those foods (or relationships) that are sanctioned by His Word (1 Timothy 4:4-5). He's not unsure of Himself or His ways, He's not fickle or foolish, and His Word is reliable, dependable, and not subject to change. This hasn't caused the scriptures to be too popular at times, but they refuse to succumb to peer pressure and remain true to themselves. They're not what needs to change anyway. We do! God hasn't lowered His moral standards or compromised with His food laws, but offers to help raise us to His God-Plane. Christ can cleanse us of our unclean lives (Acts 10:15, 28), because God hasn't called us to remain in Egypt but to head for the Promised Land. Don't just stand there, get a move on it! And leave your excess baggage (sin) behind.
Kosher Food
Although God created us with a hunger drive, an appetite, He doesn't want us to become gluttonous pigs. Neither does He want us to act like horny dogs (1 Corinthians 6:13). God's also shown us that just because various food items have been mislabeled "delicacies," we don't have to shove them into our mouths (Leviticus 11). We're expected to be mature, not act childish. God warns us to guard the doors of our mind, don't set ourselves up for a fall, and discern what we digest (Ephesians 4:27; Hebrews 5:14). We're instructed to scrutinize our food for thought and remember "we are what we eat" and "we become what we think" (Proverbs 23:7). God doesn't only want us to watch what we put into our mouths, but what we allow into our minds (Philippians 4:8). For a free list of "government approved" food for thought; what's clean and unclean, pure and impure, kosher and non-kosher - check out Galatians 5:19-23; Ephesians 5:11 and Philippians 1:11.
We're not supposed to remain raw material. God's given us a brain to become refined and keep our baser "instincts" in line (2 Peter 2:12). The Holy Spirit offers us the help we need to accomplish this job (John 1:12). We should refuse to be reduced to an animal level, simply sensual creatures, choosing a higher standard of living instead. The "if it feels good do it" and "if it looks good eat it" lack of mentality ought to be regarded as an insult to those striving for God's higher intelligence.
Regardless of why you're heterosexual, gay, bisexual or "trysexual" (you'll try anything once), whether or not you've had any choice in the matter - you do have a choice to exercise proper self-control. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A SLAVE TO YOUR SENSES (John 8:34), or allow sexual temptations to dictate mindless reactions (Genesis 19:4-11). You're not forced to act upon every thought that enters your mind. You can resist suggestions and reject impulses (2 Corinthians 10:5). Every fleeting thought, random idea or stray notion doesn't have to take root and grow if you don't give it fertile ground (James 1:13-15). You can consider its source and nip it in the bud. A "NO TRESPASSING!" frame of mind can be developed to defend you against intruders. Protection is possible. You can say NO! You can curb your appetite! YOU CAN CHANGE!


Recently when someone asked me what religion I am I was perplexed.
To be a religion means you hold a particular doctrine. I thought about it all day and could not come up with any doctrine that I hold as a religion.
The only religious doctrine I might hold is that If it exists than God created it and I believe in it. I believe in God because as I look at life I see duality in all things, male and female. I see cycles and things that work and operate together. I feel if life was not created by a high intelligence than the things that exist would be chaotic. mutated and not able to work together.
Because I do not affiliate with a religion does not mean that I am not spiritual. I am constantly going inward and do not rely on others answers, beliefs, opinions and remedys. I seek what is right for me.
What is spirituality to me ? As the mind moves away from the connections and chaos of everyday life (towards the silence within), the senses utilize higher mental and spiritual faculties able to provide a more direct perception of the universal knowledge base of illuminations, intuitions and revelations. By moving deeper within this silence of our consciousness (away from our feelings, emotions, judgments and prejudices), we enter into a realm of pure rational thought where integral knowledge and understanding are abundant.
I find that when we hold a doctrine it separates us not only from each other but from God and ourselves. It puts limits on us and traps us in dogma. Through these limits we stagnate because of tunnel vision. Since God's truth is too much for us to fathom ( grasp ) at one time and must be learned line upon line and precept upon precept, by shutting out other truths we begin to die spiritually. How could anyone think they know and hold all the truth of God ? This is in fact what a religious doctrine is telling ourselves and others, that we have nothing more to learn or to accomplish. We than begin to judge those who do not hold our particular doctrine as anti God.
The discovery of deeper truths are attainable when we overcome our ego and separateness. Silence within enables knowledge, clear thinking, insight, and ultimately the whole truth we are seeking. When we dwell within the silence we experience how we are one with the whole of cosmic consciousness.
Some Simple Spiritual Truths And Suggestions
Every human being has a purpose.
Human beings are spiritual by nature.
You accomplish nothing by comparing yourself to others.
No human being is without intelligence, wisdom, and knowledge.
Every human being is the sum of their experiences, and every effect is the sum of its causes.
The worth of the human species is subject to its complementary relationship with all other life.
Much of what is believed in religion is based on ideas of humans promoting self-serving agendas.
There is always conflict between those who are enlightened and those who focus on superficial, material pursuits.
In order for life to have meaning, knowledge of the Light (supreme universal intelligence) must exist.
You are the ultimate decision maker of what is meaningful to your mind.
Once you experience truth for yourself, you are never the same again.
Human beings cannot exist without affecting those they encounter.
Realization and transformation are deeper than belief or faith.
There are always signposts when you are on the right path.
You alone are responsible for your actions.
Life is meaningless without Light.
Spirituality is not religion.
Life is a reflection of oneself without ego.
The divine nature of a human being has to be discovered inside oneself.
Grasp only from society that which is rational and reasonable.
Spiritual progress and peace only come from within oneself.
Genius is formed by efforts of original thinking, endeavoring to form new views or truths, rather than by dwelling in the ideas of others.

What Is True Love?

Many gays will protest that God is a "God of love," and they think that as long as we're happy and in love - how could something so right be so wrong? They feel God couldn't condemn such relationships and wonder how anyone could think He would. But mortal thoughts and opinions aside (Prov. 14:12; Isa. 55:8), if there is a Creator God, and if the Bible is His Instruction Manual for mankind, we'd better base our beliefs solely on what's revealed within its pages. Faith must have a foundation (Rom. 10:17).
If the homosexual argument that "as long as we're happy and in love" is valid, couldn't the same defense be made to sanction incestuous relationships? Or premarital experiences or adulterous affairs? Do we always know what's best for us? Couldn't we be like grown-up teenagers who think they know everything, when in reality they don't?
Hasn't it been said, and true at times, that "love is blind?" Is it just a matter of feeling happy? Can't feelings fool us sometimes? Isn't that why family and friends have cautioned us to "keep your head above your heart?" Is all love proper? Are all affections good and healthy? What about being "lovesick?" Shouldn't there be some form of standards to judge by or criteria for character? Isn't there any game plan? Hasn't love too often been confused with lust (2 Sam. 13:15)?
Satan is "love!"
If we look into the Bible (not Freud, the latest sexual survey, or some kinky report), we'll find that it does condemn: the love of vanity (Ps. 4:2), of simplicity (Prov. 1:22), of excessive sleep (Prov. 20:13), of religious lies (2 Thes. 2:10), illicit sex, improper lovers, and "foreign affairs" (Ezek. 23:11, 17, 22; 16:37), of evil (Micah 3:2), drunkenness (Hos. 3:1), self-righteousness (Mat. 6:5; 23:6), of money (1 Tim. 6:10), this present world system and its ways (1 Jn. 2:15), spiritual darkness (Jn. 3:19), the kick-back of wrongdoing (2 Pet. 2:15), of ourselves in an unhealthy way and of cheap thrills (2 Tim.3:2,4), violence (Ps. 11:5), strife (Prov. 17:19), and even having a greater love for family or friends than for God (Matt. 10:37).
Therefore, the Bible clearly reveals that various forms of love and feelings are wrong, that certain human relationships are forbidden and condemned (Lev. 18), and that true love must be consistent with God's character and commandments (1 Jn. 5:3). Any other "love" isn't from God, but from Satan who is (such) "love!" He's the clever counterfeit; the snake who confuses the issues and twists the truth. It's precisely because God is Love (1 Jn. 4:8) that He wants to protect us from those Canaanite customs, perverted practices, and harmful ways that would ultimately undermine our land and lives (Lev. 18:30).
Still, some would angrily question how anyone could allow some old-fashioned Book to dictate their lives; after all, it's thousands of years old! But who would argue that the time-honored commandments against murder, or prohibition that protects private property or safeguards marriage and minds, or upholds honesty and virtue and being content are outdated? They're tried, tested, and true. Naturally, it's easier to accept something as long as it doesn't hit home or step on our toes. It's still typical, "A man (or woman) convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." Don't waste your time confusing them with the facts (Matt. 7:6; 15:14).
Obviously, this is a very sensitive subject. If someone does become convinced or converted to the truth - great! More power to them. But if others choose to continue in their contrary lifestyles, dying for sex rather than living for God and His Kingdom - that's their choice. God gives us all the prerogative to do as we please, but He strongly recommends and encourages us to "choose life" (Deut. 30:10); an even more appropriate message considering the high risk of AIDS. It's so difficult to TRANSCEND HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS - but we must, if and whenever it's necessary (Mark 10:28-30).
Living Responsible Lives
The "last days" are supposed to be reminiscent of earlier times, "as it was in the days of Noah," and "as it was in the days of Lot." How was it in days of yore? Just like today. Apparently, ignoring the dire need to make drastic changes in their lives, they conducted "business as usual" and fiddled about or got carried away with less important things (Deut. 32:47; Mark 4:19). It's recorded that they ate and drank, got married, and went to work everyday - until they were consumed by their burning desires and swept away by their sins (Luke 17:26-30).
What's wrong with eating and drinking or working? We might very well wonder. Didn't God create us with an appetite and a thirst, as well as a need for physical exertion? Yes, but certain tastes, desires and relationships should be nipped in the bud; not allowed to grow or develop or take root (Jas. 1:14-15)! Many things are good of and by themselves, and not wrong, but God's imposed conditions, restraints and guidelines for us to live by.
We're meant to enjoy those foods that God has blessed and offered us (Lev. 20:25; 1 Tim. 4:5), and even have an occasional drink, if we want. The Bible condemns gluttony, not eating; drunkenness, not drinking; greed, not need. It's what we do with what we're given. And we are instructed to work and be productive, but we're also commanded to remember the Sabbath (seventh day) to keep it holy. It's counterproductive to become too busy earning a living, that we neglect learning how to live (2 Pet. 3:18)!
Although we're at liberty to do almost anything, within reason (Gen. 2:16-17), we're to remember that we're held responsible for how we handle ourselves and manage our new-found freedoms (Ga. 5:13). We're not to abuse our privileges (1 Cor. 8:9), but be careful not to get caught up in things that could too easily get out of control (2 Pet. 2:20). A night of good, clean fun can quickly degenerate into an atmosphere of "just like the old times." We're entitled to time-out with the boys (or girls), just don't let your diversion become an obsession (1 Cor. 6:12) - as my mother once warned me!
Keep Your Head Above Your Heart!
Is it - as some would charge - being cold and cruel, even inhuman, to be in control of your mind and emotions? Isn't it rather mature to exercise proper self-control, sick and tired of giving in to compulsion? Isn't it judicious to carefully cross-examine every thought, thereby destroying the defense of our death sentence, commuting it in Christ (2 Cor. 1:9; 10:4-5; 1 Cor. 11:31)?
Doing what just comes natural or seems normal might excite Nietzsche; but it's not good enough for God. God wants us - mere mortals made out of matter - to come to resemble, think and act like Him. "Like Father, like Son." Why? Is God on some big ego-trip and wants a bunch of clones to come along for the joy-ride? No, but because it's the only way that'll work. He ought to know the secret for living happily ever after.
Mankind, after all, was created in the image of the Godkind, and shares the awesome potential to become composed of God's Spirit - after we've developed His characteristics (1 Cor. 15:53). God's eager to award us all the Diploma of Divinity after we've finished the course of conversion (2 Cor. 3:18). Therefore, instead of just doing what comes natural - we're to do the supernatural! We're to turn the other cheek instead of busting their jaw; forgive rather than fume; pray for our enemies rather than swear revenge, giving peace a chance. We're continually called to be different - in contrast, not conformity, to this world (Rom. 8:29).
There is a time and a place for "tough-love." We're not to show the "mercy of fools" for welfare frauds or lazy bums (2 Thes. 3:10), or have compassion on cold-blooded murderers or hardened criminals, despite their many appeals (1 Sam. 15:32-33; Rom. 13:4).
We shouldn't refuse to use corporal punishment (Prov. 13:24). It might hurt for awhile, but hopefully the lesson (that actions have consequences) will last a lifetime (Prov. 19:18; 23:13; 29:15). It could keep them out of worse trouble later (Ecc.8:11).
We're also not to allow our emotions for loved ones to lead us to hell (Deut. 7:3-4; 13:6-9), or wrong relationships to get in our way. Despite the grief of saying goodbye, and the pain of tearful separation (2 Sam. 3:14-16; Ezra 10:3), you've got to do what you've got to do. Why make it any more difficult? Don't procrastinate and prolong your misery. Get it over with and get on with your life! We don't have time to waste in no-win situations (Ephes. 5:16).
We shouldn't try and be more understanding and tolerant than God, but refuse to even associate with a Church member who's living in sin without any apology or shame (1 Cor. 5:1-2, 9-13). And we should NEVER entertain any notions about ordaining such people!
Of course, we shouldn't cop a self-righteous attitude (Ga. 6:1), but realize the prayerful purpose is to help restore everyone to their senses (knowing that ongoing sin results in an eternal separation). If and whenever such a person "comes to" (Luke 15:17, 20), he's to be welcomed back with wide-open arms (2 Cor. 2:6-8). A little love can go a long way, and encourage us to do even better - rather than give up. But sometimes the situation calls for "shock-treatment" (tough-love), as well as private counseling. "Different strokes for different folks," so to speak (Lk. 12:47-48).
The moral of this story? Don't get blinded by the light: the glitter of "love," the hot-flash of emotion, and the gleam of relationships (2 Cor. 11:14). The going price for fool's gold is too high to pay. Walk away. It's not worth it.

Sneak Preview of God's Kingdom!

If I may, as God is my Witness and Judge, when I was only 17 years young, God UNEXPECTEDLY gave me a VISION while I was in prayer. I was within that vision as a glorified Spirit-Being, whiter than glistening snow and like a brilliant white cloud with the sun shining on it, appearing smooth, dressed in a white robe - even my hair was that brilliant white - holding a Book in my hands and teaching two flesh and blood mortals who were sitting on the ground, in an outdoor setting like a park or meadow.
I was leaning over near them, showing them something from the Book. Mind you that this MIRACLE occured BEFORE I had ever heard of Herbert W. Armstrong and his biblical teaching that we're to become glorified Priest-Kings, teaching in the Kingdom of God, immortals ruling over mortals with but under Christ! (Rev. 2:26, 3:21, 20:6).
The Kingdom of God is the Royal Family of God administering the Government of God, with God's Word as the foundation for every family and standard for all nations (Isa. 9:7, Dan. 7:18, 27).
At that time I still believed in the traditional "going to heaven or hell" myths, so I didn't really know what to think of the vision. Over a year later, when I attended one of my first Sabbath services with the Worldwide Church of God [1978], the minister was preaching about how we'll be God-Beings teaching human-beings. I about fell out of my chair! It was as if he was describing the very vision God had given little ol' me! That was further confirmation to me that this Church of God (with its God-given Sabbath and holy days, special recognition of Northwestern Europeans and Anglo-Saxons as the "Lost 10 Tribes," the Gospel of the Kingdom, etc.) was indeed God's Church and not like the baptized paganism of traditional Churchianity! (Grieved to say, the WCG has gone astray after Mr. Armstrong's death, but thankfully the faithful Church of God members left that organization of deceitful men to remain true to God and the plain truth of the Bible).
My following minister, George Kackos, whom I later told about the vision, and who baptized me June 9, 1979 [12 years after Jerusalem's liberation], told me that the vision was biblical and that God has also given a "sneak preview" of His Kingdom to Peter, James and John, with their VISION of the TRANSFIGURATION:
Matthew 17:1-9
1 Now after six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, led them up on a high mountain by themselves; 2 and He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light. 3 And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him. 4 Then Peter answered and said to Jesus, ";Lord, it is good for us to be here; if You wish, let us make here three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah."; 5 While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and suddenly a voice came out of the cloud, saying, ";This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!"; 6 And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their faces and were greatly afraid. 7 But Jesus came and touched them and said, ";Arise, and do not be afraid."; 8 When they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only. 9 Now as they came down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them, saying, ";Tell the VISION to no one until the Son of Man is risen from the dead.";
I dared to declare to Mr. Kackos that my vision was actually greater because God had showed them a glorified/transfigured Christ, Moses and Elijah, but mine was more personalized because God revealed ME in His Kingdom!
I am an eyewitness to God's Kingdom and know what it means to be in God's Kingdom, both from the Bible and personal experience! (2 Pet. 1:16-18). FLESH AND BLOOD CANNOT INHERIT THE KINDOM, but at the Resurrection we'll be BORN AGAIN as GLORIFIED SPIRIT BEINGS - just like our older Brother, Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:29, I Cor. 15:49-52, Philip. 3:21)
The vision appeared to emphasize the great DIFFERENCE between mortals and immortals, flesh and blood and brilliant Spirit. And, as I later used during a Church Spokesman's Club speech on serving in the Churchill Room at the Hillcrest in Toledo, Ohio, I mentioned this vision and noted that even though we're to be given THRONES [which I did not see], those thrones are to enable us to use our positions for GREATER SERVICE, out of love for God and mankind. God did not show me merely sitting on a Throne, but out serving others, teaching, helping, explaining. Mr. Kackos then gave his usual round up speech/mini-sermon, on the importance of tempering authority with humility, and said that, amazingly, I had done just that. I had related the vision as a fact, but wasn't boasting about it.
I look forward, by God's GRACE, to entering His wonderful Kingdom and meeting those two people I saw back in '77! It'll truly be BACK TO THE FUTURE!

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Philadelphia Church of God Leads Laodicean Era

I have proven to myself, most prayerfully, that the Philadelphia Church of God is the most unique of all the groups who've distanced themselves from the Worldwide Church of God's doctrinal changes. Only Malachi's Message clearly speaks with AUTHORITY and not "like the scribes" (Matt. 7:29). I've listened carefully for THE Voice of the Shepherd, hearing what the Spirit says to God's Church today, checking out everything with the Bible and what Mr. Armstrong faithfully taught us (John 10:3; Rev. 3:22; II Thess. 2:15).
Of course, there are those who CLAIM to follow the traditions we've been schooled in, yet they've refused to humble themselves and submit to the fact that JESUS CHRIST had already moved HIS LAMPSTAND by the time they finally saw the light! All that was necessary for them to do was to go where Christ had already gone, and support HIS WORK of knocking the errors in the Worldwide Church of God, while holding on for dear life to God's truth! We either GET A GRIP - or we lose it! (Rev. 3:11).
Instead of working with Christ, some have chosen to do their own thing, contributing to the Church's state of confusion, rather than helping to RESTORE ORDER (I Cor. 14:33). Why duplicate efforts, wasting precious time and money? Why not join ranks with the PCG so we can present a UNITED FRONT to an increasingly divided world? This would enable us to effectively share with others the message GOD would have them to hear (John 12:49). We ought to come together, in Christ, especially since we've all been taught repeatedly: "There is only one Church. Not a parent church and many little daughter churches that have split off in disagreement. Divisions splintering off are NOT STILL IN THE CHURCH" (Mystery of the Ages, pg. 243).
Whether we like it or not, God, in His infinite wisdom, chose Gerald Flurry to REVEAL to God's Church what was going on - and thereby allow us to show our true colors by how we responded to Malachi's Message! (That doesn't mean Mr. Flurry is infallible or that he doesn't need to continually apply the principles of Malachi's Message to himself and organization, as we all do as explained in my article "Worldwide All Over Again?").
Restored to Zion!
If I'm so convinced that Christ is ONLY with the PCG, and that the others are self-willed, for the most part, resisting God's lead, why don't I attend their services? (Matt. 7:21; I Sam. 15:23). And how can I believe that God is actively working through me in the Middle East? Because I've unjustly been disfellowshipped (II Thess. 3:2), yet I remain loyal to God's truth they teach!
It's BEWILDERING to see an organization that apparently started out so good and strong and righteous degenerate into a personality CULT that rules through intimidation and fear and borders emperor worship! Yet they have more truth in many regards than the others, just like Herbert Armstrong saw Sardis (Church of God, 7th Day) did however impotent! Strange but true! Perhaps it's like Saul was still the anointed until he was punished by death for his sins and then David reigned.....
When Gerald Flurry wasn't anything in his own sight or mind God used him and now, unfortunately, it appears to have gone to his head, all the new revelation [simply a deeper understanding of some things], and he forgets that all truth is from and belongs to GOD and that God can use a donkey to deliver it! (I Cor. 4:7). Mr. Flurry has become so swollen in his own imagination that he fails to see that he is the leader of LAODICEA! He knows what warning God is giving the Laodiceans, of which he is chief! He had better heed his own words!
Under Herbert W. Armstrong Pasadena, California was the headquarters of the Philadelphia era of God's Church; now Edmond, Oklahoma is the headquarters of the Laodicean era, and next in God's plan is the restoration of His headquarters to Jerusalem!
God knows my ATTITUDE AND ACTIONS still support the work God's given them to do, but I truly believe what Mr. Flurry teaches: their work's almost finished! It'll just slightly overlap the beginning of GOD'S FINAL WORK as outlined in my book, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall (John 3:30). Minister Dennis Leap wickedly disfellowshipped me for believing that GOD has ORDAINED that I should promote its timely truth (Isa. 61:1), even though I'm NOT from the "school of the prophets" (Ambassador College), or going about it in the "conventional" way (I Sam. 17:39)!
I've come to better understand that God has already begun the TRANSITIONAL PROCESS of RESTORING His Menorah - His Lampstand to JERUSALEM! (I Kgs. 11:36; Amos 9:11). As prophesied, a NATIONAL MESSENGER would be on active duty in Jerusalem, preparing the way for Messiah's imminent return! (Zech. 12:8). God reveals HE would send this outspoken individual to deliver a BLISTERING MESSAGE and a SCORCHING CONDEMNATION to the NATIONS - just before NUCLEAR FIRE AND BRIMSTONE RAINS DOWN upon those who've rejected GOD'S ULTIMATUM! (Isa. 41:27; 30:27; Micah 3:8).
It's from Jerusalem that we must warn another HOLOCAUST is coming! That's the sensitive location where God will spark a NATIONAL DEBATE and ignite an INTERNATIONAL CONTROVERSY! (Micah 6:1-2). It'll shock the Jews and anger the Germans! It'll also, undoubtedly, offend many holocaust survivors who now live in Israel, but they ought to understand and lend their voices of experience to ours, having personally witnesses GERMANY'S BRUTE FORCE, to help our efforts to ensure "Never Again!"
Regardless, we can expect a maelstrom of protest and a bitter backlash - but such persecution will only fan the flames of this BURNING ISSUE! (Isa. 54:15-16). Both Germany and Israel (for their own reasons), will want to immediately stop such "incitement" - calling it fear-mongering and racist - but they'll fail and God's Word will prevail! (Jer. 1:19).
God MUST grant "political immunity" to His Two Witnesses, so they can be free to boldly say and do all that He commands, even though the world will regard them as public enemy number one! (Ps. 105:15; Rev. 11:10). Undeterred, they'll carry on God's Work and serve as His official government spokesmen, even in the hostile face of fierce opposition! (Jer. 1:8). But I'm getting ahead of myself! This is all related in my book, but let's go back to the beginning - of the true Philadelphian era....
Mr. Armstrong's Experiences
In the words of Mr. Armstrong, referring to his dealings with certain Sardis ministers, "I Shall Not Hide the FACTS!" (Autobiography of HWA, Vol. 1, pg. 366). However, lest I be misunderstood, I'd been most hesitant to say or write anything about my experiences with certain professing Philadelphian ministers, but I feel compelled by GOD to state the truth, without fearing men's reactions, but trusting in God's PURPOSE!
Mr. Armstrong relates how he had presented a "dual test" to the Church of God, Seventh Day, to help him determine whether or not it truly was the Church of God. His first test involved mailing an "exposition of 16 TYPEWRITTEN PAGES proving clearly, plainly, and beyond contradiction that a certain minor point of doctrine... was in error... to see whether their leaders would confess error and change." Their head man admitted what Mr. Armstrong pointed out was true, but feared it might upset many of the members and even threaten to divide the Church! "Naturally, this shook my confidence considerably." (Autobiography of HWA, Vol. I, pgs. 360-361, emphasis mine).
I, too, detected "a certain minor point of doctrine" taught by Mr. Leap (on the 144,000), was in error. I didn't want to rock the boat, and it wasn't something I'd lose sleep over, so I wanted to just ignore or overlook the matter, but God wouldn't let me! Amazingly, a dear friend asked me about the 144,000 out of the blue, and then somehow it came up again with someone else; so God succeeded in getting my attention to write Mr. Leap about it. I sent him my PAGE AND 1/2 LETTER, reproduced here - and didn't hear anything.
Finally, around my third try (I don't give up easily!), Mr. Leap discussed it with me on the phone. When I mentioned that the Scriptures clearly state that once you've broken your "seal" you've lost your salvation, and to claim we can somehow be "resealed" amounts to crucifying Christ twice, Mr. Leap stammered around, unable to justify his position, but remained determined to stick with it - to my sorrow. Like Mr. Armstrong's experience, "Naturally, this shook my confidence considerably."
Church Rejects New Truth
God used an evangelist in Florida to challenge Mr. Armstrong. He had written Mr. Armstrong and told him he was ignorant if he didn't know where we are mentioned in the Bible. After gleaning through the surprising amount of information on the subject in the library, Mr. Armstrong PROVED that the so-called "Lost 10 Tribes" are, in fact, the American, British and Northwest European peoples. He then sent the "lengthy manuscript of close to 300 TYPED PAGES" that he had written to support this truth to the editor and leader of the Church. "Did this Church accept and proclaim this vital new truth... But this Church refused then to accept it or preach it or publish it though their leader frankly confessed it was TRUTH and a revelation from GOD! Yet here was the Church which appeared to have more truth, and less error than any other... Truly this was bewildering!" (Pg. 362).
What's BEWILDERING to me is the different responses I've received from several of God's ministers who have read Beyond Babylon - towards it and me - before and after Mr. Leap's PARTIAL review! (Malachi 2:9).
When I faithfully sent a computer disk with my book on it to minister Wayne Turgeon, he graciously read all of it and responded: "Of, how I admire those with both the ability to write as well as the courage to put down their ideas on paper! I felt that you have a very gripping style of writing that uses twists and slants of words or phrases to make your point. I looked up every scripture you referenced and it became clear that you have really spent a lot of time in your Bible. Being Jewish, I think, gives you an added perspective that I could never have... Much of what you have written is not 'new revelation' as I'm sure that you'd readily agree... It's certainly not my place to determine if what you believe God has shown you is true or not, but would you mind presenting Mr. Flurry with an abbreviated version of what you feel is inspired... as I highly doubt that he would have time to read your whole book."
What does he mean it's not his place to determine if what I wrote is true or not? God holds every INDIVIDUAL responsible to prayerfully determine whether something is of God or not! How did we prove Malachi's Message was biblical? Did we rely solely on our minister's evaluation? Worldwide all over again?
Mind you, unlike Mr. Armstrong's lengthy manuscript of close to 300 typed pages, Beyond Babylon is only 1/2 that size, literally! I suggested Mr. Flurry read the first and last chapters. Mr. Turgeon told me Mr. Flurry returned it to him, saying something like, "He's always sending us stuff."
I have written short letters to the point, like correcting him about Mt. Hermon and Mt. Carmel after he continued to confuse the two in several articles. I'm familiar with them because I've been blessed to have lived next to both of them! Mr. Turgeon also wrote that I was a little "too radical" for Mr. Flurry and wondered what I'd said or done that had given him that impression. I explained it's because I took exception to Mr. Flurry's careless condemnation of those religious Jews who want the Temple built as "extremists." I wrote that it's extremist for secular, humanist Jews to oppose converting the Promised Land into a Holy Land!
Mr. Flurry was surprised and had also written against the STRONG EMOTIONS some feel over Jerusalem and Israel. How could God use someone so distant over there?! Some of us have a GOD-GIVEN LOVE for Jerusalem and a genuine passion for Judah that's most personal; we're not a stranger in OUR Homeland! (Psalms 102:14; Ps. 137; Isaiah 62). That's not "radical," it's BIBLICAL!
Minister Carl Craven also read Beyond Babylon and acknowledged it as biblical. He said he hadn't looked up every scripture, but was sure if he had they'd also be used correctly. I commented that I know it's Biblical, but that I was just waiting for headquarters to prove that to themselves as well. He expressed an understanding of how it's difficult to be patient meanwhile. When Mr. Leap did call, it was to instruct me to STAY HOME FROM SABBATH SERVICES while he looked at the book! I didn't recall such an unusual request being made of Mr. Armstrong, and recognized it went against "innocent until proven guilty," but obliged with the hope of returning soon (Jn. 7:51).
"Prophesy Not!"
After some time, I called Mr. Leap. He said he'd read PARTS of the book, and that it wasn't important whether Mr. Flurry had read it or not (even though I'd been led to believe he'd pass it on to him). He stated, "You use some pretty strong language in there," to which I replied, "But it's Biblical, isn't it?" "Well, yes, but...". He also noted, like Mr. Turgeon, that most of it is what we already teach. I agreed and said that that should serve as a GOOD SIGN, but that the NEW REVELATION about the Two Witnesses and Europe is firmly built upon that foundation.
Mr. Leap found it difficult to accept that a LAY MEMBER would write such a book. He admitted Mr. Flurry had received bits of revelation from lay members, but NEVER a whole book! I didn't want to be judged by precedent, but by whether or not what I'd written is biblical. If I was in error, then it was his duty to clearly show me where FROM THE BIBLE, like Aquilla and Priscilla helped improve Apollos' understanding (Acts 18:26).
I was informed if I wanted to return to services, I would have to forget Beyond Babylon, act like a "regular lay member," and basically deny that it was from God! Like Mr. Armstrong, I had PROVEN what I'd written to be TRUE. Actually, Mr. Leap didn't say that it wasn't or attempt to refute it!
I told Mr. Leap I didn't want to play politics. By his insistence that I must be a MINISTER to write such a book, he was still looking to MEN OF STATURE! And since I'm not one, he was demanding that I "PROPHESY NOT!" (Amos 2:12).
He got very angry when I mentioned this and said he was severing all ties between the PCG and myself, and that I wasn't to claim any association with the PCG. He said I was now free to go and do whatever I felt God would have me to do with BB and not worry whether or not he or Mr. Flurry had read it! When I expressed the hope of reconciliation, he retorted we could when I repented. Of what? OBEYING GOD RATHER THAN MAN? Is that "rebellion?"
Mr Armstrong WASN'T an ordained minister either when he wrote what he felt GOD would have him to share! The Identity Doctrine also wasn't so much new truth, as a new way of presenting it. I'm sure glad he didn't let those two points stop him! Aren't you? So I was UNJUSTLY DISFELLOWSHIPPED for believing God used me to write a book, and MARKED for exposing the facts about Mr. Leap's folly!
Will Mr. Leap stop being jealous of what God would have me to offer (I Sam. 2:29)? Will Mr. Flurry HONOR GOD more than a man, and recognize BB belongs to God and HIS Church? (II Sam. 19:5-7; Ga. 2:9). Will Mr. Flurry again uphold God's Word or try and prop up Mr. Leap and fall with him? (Isa. 22:19). Did God remove Mr. Amos so Dennis Leap could be used to try us all?(Nahum 1:11). WHY'S THE BIBLE OUT OF THE PICTURE? (In The Philadelphia Trumpet's photo of Mr. Flurry). Does Mr. Flurry feel he's now got it made? (I Cor. 10:12). A picture's worth a thousand words!
No Cowards in the Kingdom!
May God give COURAGE to His people! If they're AFRAID to question Mr. Leap's serious actions, how can God expect them to stand up to the world (Jer. 12:5; Rev. 21:8)? God's sick of sycophants and tired of the timid! We're to be bold as lions (Dan. 11:32)! We're supposed to be ready to die for one another, NOT betray and desert each other! Yet too often the household of faith has lost its warn and loving environment for an intimidating atmosphere of fear and oppression (Jer. 12:6)! It's pretty bad when you can't trust your own family (Jer. 9:4)! Brethren turning in brethren to the "authorities" for wrong reasons and maliciously reporting on others (I Cor. 5:8). How COLD-HEARTED (Matt. 10:32-40)!
God pronounces WOE to those who support wrong judgments (Isa. 5:32) and CONDEMNS IT as an ABOMINATION (Prov. 17:15)! He speaks against SELLING OUT someone to gain an advantage (Ex. 23:8). Those who've become ACCOMPLICES to CHARACTER ASSASSINATION haven't just abandoned a Church member, they're guilty of BETRAYING CHRIST! (Ex. 20:16; Matt. 10:33). It's actually God's law they've thrown out and His Word they've despised (Isa. 5:24)! You can't treat someone so hatefully and fool God that you love Him (I Jn. 4:20)! You might turn your back on a brother, but you're going to FACE GOD (Mk. 9:42)!
Whether you've sold out to curry favor with a minister, or to stay put in an organization or position - that "blood money" will COST YOU YOUR LIFE! God will JUDGE SUCH PEOPLE (if they don't repent) and throw them down from their high and mighty imaginations and lofty positions (Isa. 22:15-19; Deut. 32:36)! For those bent on JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS blindly, acting like GOOD NAZIS, God's going to give them over to Europe! If that's what you want, that's what you'll get!
FATHER Knows Best!
Too MANY are still looking to MEN to save them! Is it up to Mr. Flurry to decide who'll enter God's Kingdom? Of course not, and he'd readily agree, but brethren it's just as BLASPHEMOUS to believe it's up to him or any other MAN to decide who can go to Petra! Which minister was crucified for you? (I Cor. 1:12- 13; 3:3-9). Into what surname were you baptized? If GOD put you into HIS Church, can any man put you out? If God have you His Holy Spirit, can any minister take it away? If God finds you worthy to escape, can any man prevent it? (Lk. 21:36). WHOSE APPROVAL ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? (Jn. 9:22; 13:42-43).
Aren't you willing to be like Jesus, who was forsaken by all? Aren't you willing to follow Jesus outside the camp, bearing His reproach and suffering His shame? (Heb. 13:12-13; 2 Tim. 1:8). Those who put an IDOLATROUS TRUST in ministers or politicians are going to discover they can't deliver! (Deut. 32:36-39; Hosea 13:10). Mortals can't save you or protect you! Besides, if you're only trying to save your skin, you'll lose your hide! Only Jesus Christ can offer salvation, and only those whom the FATHER finds worthy will escape! It's not up to any pastor general or minister! Many of them will get slaughtered with THEIR sheep! (I Cor. 9:27; Isa. 46:2).
If God could provide the "travel arrangements" for Enoch, Elijah and Philip - INDIVIDUALS - can't He take care of you? (Acts 8:39; Rev. 12:6; Jer. 3:14). God won't forget you or leave you behind! (Heb. 6:10; Isa. 49:15). He knows the scattered condition of His saints and the reasons why, and promises us: "I will seek that which is lost, and bring that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick..." (Ezek. 34:16). The Good Sheherd doesn't forsake His flock!
God's Two Witnesses are SOON to take the stand! They'll testify before a WORLD COURT, and to many it will sound familiar - having read about it in Beyond Babylon! It's only biblical that just as surely as Europe's on the rise, so too are God's star witnesses (Isa. 60:1)! But when have proud and stubborn RELIGIOUS LEADERS ever accepted God's change of guard or venue (Rev. 11:8)? Sardis didn't. Mr. Tkach didn't. Will Mr. Flurry graciously PASS THE BATON to the Two Witnesses? Or will history repeat itself? We'll see!

The Law of Karma

The topic of this article is the concept of Karma, which is common to most Eastern Philosophies be it Hinduism or Buddhism.
It is said that in the second watch of the night when the Buddha attained enlightenment he gained a different kind of knowledge, which complemented his knowledge of rebirth � The Law of Karma.
Karma is mistaken in the West as a doctrine of Fate or Predestination. It is not so. The word Karma literally means action � and the Law of Karma is the infallible law of cause and effect, which governs the Universe.
The doctrine of Karma has many implications as to how we may lead our lives. In the first place it means that all our actions will lead to its natural consequence. We may not know what the consequence will be and in fact it may be delayed for many lengths of time but the consequence will follow inevitably. In Tibetan Buddhism the inevitable retribution, which however is not obvious, is compared to the shadow of a kite or an eagle as it searches for its prey. When the eagle is high in the sky its shadow is not to be seen. However when the eagle swoops to the ground to catch hold of its prey the menacing shadow appears. Similarly we are not aware of the consequences of our actions for most part but they will appear just as the shadow of the eagle suddenly appears.
The law of Karma is not confined to individuals � there is family karma, national karma, International Karma, the Karma of a city. All these are mixed with the Karma of the Individual, and thus it happens that people lives are influenced by events completely beyond their control. All these Karma's are inter-related and can be understood in its full complexity only by an enlightened being.
The law of Karma gives us guidance as to how we may lead our lives. When misfortune strikes we know that it will not last forever but will pass in time. And we now know through the law of Karma that these are consequences, which have inevitably followed from our past actions. The attitude to have when difficulties befall us is this � That this, which is happening, is the coming to fruition of our past Karma. We do not see the suffering as a punishment- or do we blame ourselves and indulge in self-hatred. Tibetans say that suffering is the broom, which sweeps away our negative karma. We can even be grateful that one karma is coming to an end.
Eastern philosophy is full of stories of how bandits and murderers have overcome their bad karma and gone on to become � monks and even saints. Angulimala is an example. He had killed 999 people in his previous life as a bandit. But he was won over by the Buddha and went on to become a monk and a sage. Similarly in Tibetan Buddhism the story is told of Milarepa. He was a sorcerer who killed many people with his black magic for revenge or profit. Yet through his remorse and hardships and penances that he underwent he went on to become to become enlightened � a figure of inspiration to millions.
These are some brief remarks about Karma.
Please visit the Eastern Philosophy website and subscribe to the free at newsletter for many more such articles.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Scarlet Letter: a Christian with AIDS

My Christian friend from NFO, Jen, emailed me when she found out about Tony, other than being sorry to hear it: "I really hope that this may be some sort of wake up call - you're too smart to do some of the stuff you do, and you have a lot of friends who worry about you...".
She knows, because I've talked with her a lot, that I've been far from a disciplined Christian when it comes to sex outside of marriage. She's a "born-again virgin," to her credit, vowing never to have sex again until marriage - so help her God!
The wake up call if TOO LATE, in one sense. After finding out that Tony had the dreaded disease, I thought it's more likely I would have it since I've been more "risky" than him (and we're only friends), so I went and got tested to play it safe (pun intended). Well, I was devastated yesterday morning to have the nice and pretty lady tell me that she "didn't have good news."
I've been diagnosed with HIV by the Eliza test and it's been backed up/confirmed by the European blot test. My first thought was where is the highest building to jump off of, as tears filled my eyes, and then I was in that dream state where this can't be happening, this is all unreal, I'm watching a movie, how will I tell mom and Kim and Lisa and everybody, why did I have to be so stupid? Why couldn't/didn't I stop sinning and live? As Cher sings, "If I could turn back time." But the woman tried to comfort me that whereas most people used to die within 2 years, now many are living up to 10 years without any symptoms. I also don't have any symptoms now.
She gave me all the information and numbers and places like David's House and MCO to help out people like me with no insurance (and now I'll NEVER be able to get any), all the information that I never wanted to hear or have to receive (probably like you now, sorry)....
I went and told mom in person, as Bob suggested, and she told Kim who cried with me on the phone, and they're going to tell Lisa. Of course, I could live a "normal" life and outlive everybody, one never knows. All I know is I prayed to God years ago, in my beloved Israel, that I wanted to be in His Kingdom NO MATTER WHAT - even if it took AIDS to help me get and stay straight. Well, it looks like God might let my body be destroyed to save my soul; or He'll let me have it, if He doesn't heal me (and He could), to keep me celibate (since He knows I won't go out and give it to others like some wicked people I know).
Mom said, "God hasn't let you live this long to let you die now." I just hate the selfishness of sin, how I've now hurt and affected my family, and then there's the STIGMA that a struggling Christian writer would have AIDS! But God promises everything works together for good, for those of us who are called according to His wonderful Purpose.
This is only my second day of "living with AIDS" and I'm already sick and tired of thinking and/or worrying about it. Of course I had another test done right then and there just in case, however unlikely, that they switched my blood tube with someone else's. Anyway, life goes on.
Shabbat Shalom,
Your bro,

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

God Wants You to Be Wealthy

You have heard it time and again. Lottery Winners lose it all and trust fund babies waste their parent's hard earned cash. In fact, up to 80% of the lottery winners in this country file bankruptcy within five years. Most of us say," That would never happen to me. You would have to be really dumb to lose all that money." Yet the very reason that these individuals let their money run through their fingers is the very reason that most of us are still working pay check to paycheck.
It is a lacking mindset that is responsible for our financial difficulties. They believe: 1) I don't deserve this 2) I feel guilty because it happened to me and not ___________ 3) This can't be real 4) etc...
God gave us everything. We have simply allowed our mind - the enemy of spirit to delude us into this feeling of lack.
Those with money that work their way up from the bottom or build the wealth they have easily, have the one thing that most of us lack - a million dollar mind set. They know that they are prosperous and never allow their mind's taunts to get in their way. All wealth begins with this consciousness and all wealth is maintained by cultivating this feeling of prosperity.
Their beliefs are: 1) I am wealthy. 2) If I lost it all tommorow, I could make it back easily. 3) It is my God given right to be wealthy.
I would bet that most of us could compile a list of hundreds of things that we "want." That sense of wanting means that we feel that we do not have these things. When we replace this wanting feeling with the sense of already having wealth, amazing things start to occur within our brains and manifest into our lives. We begin to come up with ways of having wealth instead of merely wishing and wanting it.
How do we create this million dollar mindset?
1) Think about being wealthy and write down any thoughts that come up.
Write down the objections that already play in your mind. Write down the excuses like" It takes money to make money." And write down all the things that you wish you could have if only...
2) Release on those thoughts. Let them go and keep letting them go until the negative emotions go away with them.
3) Replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
4) Fill your mind with the images of what you want and picture yourself already having them.
5) See yourself as you will be. Feel what you will feel. Add audio and even the things that you will smell when you reach that state. ex. the type of perfume you might wear, the sound of bankers begging to give you loans, the feel of silk upon your skin, etc...
6) Keep releasing your negative emotions and thoughts until you have what you have been wanting all these years. Let it simply drop into your lap.
7) Act upon the incredible ideas that Spirit pours into your mind.

The Meaning Behind The Ankh

The Ankh (aka the crux aitsata, or the 'ansate' or 'handled cross') was sacred to the ancient Egyptians (this is actually the land of Ancient Kemet - "the land of the blacks" - which the Greeks later renamed Egypt) and is known as the original cross. This symbol stands for life or living, and forms part of the Egyptian words such as 'health' and 'happiness.' (This is why it's often referred to as the Key of Life which would unlock the gates of death, aka the cross of life.) It is linked with the Egyptian God Osiris and the Goddess Isis (the eternal mother and High Priestess who carries the Ankh in Her hand). Kings and Pharoahs are also oftentimes shown with an Ankh to distinguish them from "mere mortals." The loop of the Ankh (which represents the womb, the feminine discipline) is considered to be the feminine, and the "T" shape is considered to be the masculine (the masculine discipline or the Penis). Together, these symbols create life and reflect a continued existence. It is sometimes called the Key of the Nile (the river that provided water for Egypt to survive - the Ankh is often associated with water, air, and the sun rising over the horizon) which further reinforces the image of fertility and reproduction. Of course, the Ankh can be further taken to symbolize the power to give and sustain life. With its deep Egyptian roots, it is no wonder that it is widely used within the Christian Coptic Orthodox Church Of Egypt.
Today the Ankh is usually worn as an amulet (a protector, or something which is considered to bring good luck to the wearer - coming from the Latin word 'amuletum' which is defined as a 'means of defence') to extend the life of the living here on Earth. It is believed that the Ankh will bestow immortality on anyone who possesses it. It is believed that life energy emanating from the Ankh can be absorbed by anyone within a certain proximity. An Ankh serves as an antenna or conduit for the divine power of life that permeates the universe. The amulet also provides the wearer with protection from the evil forces of decay and degeneration. Many people are also buried with the Ankh in order to ensure their 'life to come' in the afterworld.

Paying respects to Meir Kahane

Considering the anniversaries of the murders of Prime Minister Rabin and Israeli Parliament Member and rabbi Meir Kahane are fast approaching, this letter sent to Jewish friends in America during my sojourn in Israel during that tragic time reveals on the scene details about the dark shadow that continues to haunt the Holy Land today:
Mon., Nov. 13, '95
Shalom from Jerusalem!
May this find you well - all things considered. The enclosed magazine "In Justice" has an excellent article about the Temple Mount - addressing many of the religious concerns & clearing up a lot of the unnecessary confusion that the rabbis have contributed to. There's also an excellent article by Rabbi Meir Kahane about Eretz Yisrael.
I went with my lawyer friend from the Temple Mt. Faithful to Rabbi Kahane's gravesite where I lit a candle in the prayerful hope that as our situation grows darker, his light will grow brighter. Of course there were police taking photographs of all those paying their respects.
This hypocritical government forbid a memorial rally in Zion Square (planned before Rabin died), while encouraging the leftist rally in Tel Aviv. I'm afraid the secular situation could lead to our deportation back to "Babylon." It's frightening that the Attorney General Ben-Yair is threatening journalists not to interview or publish anyone who might approve of Rabin's death. (I was interviewed by The Philadelphia Inquirer on Ben-Yehuda mall).
Today he went further acknowledging how undemocratic he's acting in threatening to stop buses from reaching demonstrations! They've already done that when they declared the highway from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem a military zone & blocked ZO ARTZEINU buses from reaching Jerus. this summer! I knew Rabin's death would give them an excuse to try & crush the opposition with an iron fist.
The J. Post said they'd run a letter soon I wrote about my arrest on the Temple Mt.
A rabbi I know here is now trying to help me obtain at least permanent residence. The president of Root & Branch also wrote a letter of recomm. for me. So much to say but I'm off soon to tonight's Root & Branch lecture. They're interesting.
To be cont.

The Diaspora Soul of the City of New Orleans

The Diaspora Soul of the City of New Orleans
News coverage continues regarding the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, albeit much more hopeful than even a week ago.
While supplies and volunteers move into the regions of Mississippi and Louisiana in need of support, the residents of New Orleans are being dispersed across the country, literally, to wherever open arms are ready to receive them. Texas, Minnesota, California, Ohio, Tennessee, New York and Rhode Island are only a few of the states which will be hearing the sweet Southern drawl of a weary people who cannot go home. They, quite literally, now must walk by faith, and trust that we who are caring for them are living by ours. The United States and the world have responded generously to give shelter and strength to people who are bereft of the former, and drained of the latter. We care enough to share our resources, material and emotional, with people who mostly ache for home, something we cannot provide in the way that they have identified it their whole lives.
Acclaimed actor Morgan Freeman addressed this issue with Charlie Rose of PBS earlier this week. Referencing his childhood sense of safety in his hometown in the state of Mississippi, rekindled as he visited his aging parents in the late 1970's, Mr. Freeman decided to return home permanently. He spoke intently of how he really had a whole village raise him, and that it really took a village. As a native Southerner, and having come to this public venue to continue to draw attention to hurricane relief, Mr. Rose directed the conversation to the recovery and rebuilding of the city of New Orleans. A deep stillness came across Mr. Freeman's face as he said, "If it can be." Mr. Freeman went on to say, with a deeply felt knowing in his voice, that it was important to remember that it is people's souls that create a village, a community.
So the equally important question we must now ask ourselves is, as did Mr. Freeman in this interview, how is it with the souls of the people of New Orleans? With the City of New Orleans now living in diaspora, we who are not displaced from our homes are entrusted with more than physical maintenance. We have accepted a new calling, a new vocation, that of caretaker of souls. With mercy, tenderness and grace, we are now in the position to welcome our fellow villagers into our homes, but we must also realize that we are being welcomed into their homes. We will learn, meal by meal, conversation by conversation, story by story, and hope by hope, what it means to be a New Orleanian, to celebrate that rich history, to be privy to its intimate pleasures and passions. We have been given both the great luxury, and the obligation, to experience New Orleans through the souls of its people.
As days go by, and months and years, and the city comes back to itself, it will be through the people that the true nature of the city will be revived. When this time comes, know also that our histories will be interwoven in the oral history of this city. Even now we are more than caretakers of the soul of New Orleans. We are part of the soul of the City of New Orleans itself.

Monday, 20 April 2009

Leadership Lessons From Daniel

In studying the book of Daniel there are some very pertinent leadership principles we all can learn.
The principles discussed here come from the book of Daniel Chapter 1.
In this story we find that Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah where chosen based on high standards that had the potential for "leadership positions". They were removed from their homes and homeland and then placed in a situation that was designed to "change" or "morph" their way of thinking, believing and living.
This reminds me in our modern times of when an individual enters a new company and how they want you to adapt to their "corporate culture" and all that they believe.
In the face of massive changes it tells us that Daniel (and the others) where determined to maintain their principles especially in something as basic as food choices. I also believe that they where determined not to believe or practice the lore of magic and fortunetelling that they were to be indoctrinated into.
Daniel was so confident in God that he asked for a ten day trial and results examination before a final choice was made as to their diet.
There are many places in our modern culture that we are "sleepily" indoctrinated into changing our principles, beliefs and actions which are contrary to God's will. This is the age old "come on everyone else is doing it". My personal belief is that if everyone else is doing it then it probably is needs greater scrutiny before we do it.
These men were all gifted by God and Daniel was blessed with even more gifts. Why did God gift these men? So that they would be chosen and placed into a position that would serve God and His plans in the future.
Today God through His Holy Spirit gifts each of us supernaturally so that we are equipped to carry out His plan for us in our lives and leadership.
So here are a few things to meditate on this week;
1) When you are promoted or hired for a position or are in an organization that wants to "morph" your way of thinking, believing and leadership do you choose to change to their principles or do you choose to follow God's principles regardless of the cost?
2) Is there an opportunity that you can think of that would allow you to challenge your boss to try it another way (God's way of course) and then review the results together?
3) Do you know what your God given gifts are?
4) Do you know how your spiritual gifts work in conjunction with your personality?
5) How are you positioning yourself to be ready and equipped to use your gifts and wisdom to fulfill God's plan for your life and leadership?
6) What one thing can you do this week to change one of these things in your life?
Define your principles and lead with them.

The End Of Days

It continues to amaze me every day when I see educated men and women pay close attention to the Weather Channel or CNN and the Local News yet still refuse to believe what has been written in the Bible.
As we witness the horrible devastation caused by hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes and attacks by terrorists, many are asking the same question. Are these the signs of the times prophesied in the Bible that indicate we are living in the last days? Many in the world are beginning to fear that perhaps soon it may indeed end. What will happen when it does?
The time is coming and is just ahead when mercy will no longer plead for earth's guilty inhabitants. Every case will have been decided, either for life or for death. Some will be ready, others will not; but for all, probation will have closed. But now, on the edge of it, we are again living in the Biblical Days of Noah and of Sodom. Crime and lawlessness are filling the earth. Soon, very soon, probation is to close.
That day is soon to be upon us, when the events described in the Bible by the Prophets of old will begin to take place. In that day, Jesus Christ will leave the sanctuary at the right hand of the Father and will gather His Church from the earth. It is at this time when the spirit, which has restrained the mystery of iniquity, will depart from this earth and the time of the end recorded in the Bible will begin.
When He leaves the sanctuary, darkness will cover the inhabitants of the earth. In that fearful time Israel must live in the sight of a Holy God without an intercessor. The restraint that has been upon the wicked is removed, and Satan has unhindered control of the entire earth. God's long-suffering has ended. The world has rejected His mercy, despised His love, and trampled upon His Word. The wicked have passed the boundary of their probation; the spirit of God, persistently resisted, has been at last withdrawn.
Unsheltered by divine grace, they have no protection from the wicked one. Satan will then plunge the inhabitants of the earth into one great, final trouble. As the angels of God cease to hold in check the fierce winds of human passion, all the elements of strife will be let loose. The whole world will be involved in ruin more terrible than that, which came upon Jerusalem of old.
Israel and the rest of the world will then be plunged into those scenes of affliction and distress described in the Bible by the prophet as the time of Jacob's trouble. "Thus saith the Lord: We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear, and not of peace. All faces are turned into paleness. Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it." Jeremiah 30: 5-7.
"At that time shall Michael stand up, the great Prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, everyone that shall be found written in the book." Daniel 12:1.
When God's presence was finally withdrawn from the inner sanctuary of the temple in Israel, and replaced by the gift of holy spirit on the day of Pentecost, the priests and people knew it not.
Though under the control of Satan, and swayed by the most horrible and malignant passions, they still regarded themselves as the chosen of God. The ministration in the temple continued; sacrifices were offered upon its polluted altars, and daily the divine blessing was invoked upon a people guilty of the blood of God's dear Son and seeking to slay His ministers and apostles.
So when the irrevocable decision of the sanctuary has been pronounced and the destiny of the world has been forever fixed, the inhabitants of the earth will know it not. The forms of religion will be continued by a people from whom the spirit of God has been finally withdrawn; and the satanic zeal with which the prince of evil will inspire them for the accomplishment of his malignant designs, will bear the semblance of a zeal for God.
The Bible tells us that just before the end of days, there will be a chosen few who stand firmly upon the Rock of Truth in preparation for the crisis that will over-take the earth. God has given us a clear blueprint in the Bible of those things, which are about to come to pass. Just suppose for one minute that the Bible is at least as accurate as the Weather channel. The time is near and closer than we think.

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Your Operary Service

What is your operary service? When you are Christian, truly serving God is trusting the message of the sealed person. And when you trust that message you too receive the Seal. First you trust, and then you are trusted by others.

A multitude of people followed Jesus, watching His healings and listening to His teachings. Jesus felt compassion for them because they had not eaten for a while.

So Jesus took a few loaves of bread and fishes and passed them around to the multitude of five thousand people. Magically the food was multiplied when it was passed around, so everyone was able to eat.

This is one of the well-known miracles of Jesus. But what happened after He did it is not as well-known. But it is important because this is when Jesus Himself teaches about the sealed person.

The multitude Jesus had fed sought Him afterwards. He was not pleased. They were seeking Him not because they believed in the miracles, but because they had eaten of the food. And He told them so.

They should not work for such bread, he told them, because it does not last. They should work for the bread which lasts forever, and the son of man would give them that bread, for the son of man was sealed.

The people were interested but not sure what to do. So they asked Him. What should they do to "work" the works of God? And Jesus told them: believe the one God has sent.

This is why God sent the sealed person--so you can believe. It is meant to increase your faith. And so you believe the right things, not the wrong things. And so you too become sealed.

When you believe the sealed person you believe Jesus. And when you believe Jesus you believe God. God sent Jesus to save the world. And God also sent the sealed person so you might believe.

The sealed person is Christian. Jesus Christ is the Savior of the sealed, God is the Father, and the Holy Spirit often the Presence of God. You know this message. And it is how you have access to Jesus.

You may think you have access to Jesus without the help of anyone else, a kind of direct connection to God. And you may believe you should have a personal relationship with Jesus.

These are noble beliefs. But if you truly do know Jesus like this, then you will understand how Jesus taught you to believe the message the sealed person brings to you. If you believe Jesus you will believe this teaching of His.

Because you do not always have access to Jesus as you would like. The truth is this is the generation of the devil, who is desperate to bring as many souls to destruction as possible.

But you can win the victory over the devil and the mark of the beast. You can be sealed instead. First you believe the message of the sealed person. This is your operary work in the beginning.

And when you are sealed, your operary work will also include teaching others the message about the Seal and about salvation through Jesus Christ. Many people will need to believe you to do their own operary work.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

I Can't Find My Homework, Mom! "Ask My Dear, and It Shall be Given to You!"

Do you believe in asking God, or whatever higher power you choose to believe in, for the answers you need, when you need them? Read below for an enlightening story about my 11 year old daughter's missing homework papers.
The problem started when my daughter took a break from her homework to eat dinner. She asked me if she could take it in her room and work on it while watching TV.
(Not a good idea, BTW). Even the best of us moms have our weak moments. :o)
Anyhow, by the time dinner was over, there was no homework to be found.
As with all lost items, I suggested the usual mom replies. "Retrace your steps." "Think, where was the last place you wrote an answer down on it."
She spent 15 minutes of looking, another 10 minutes of tears for fear of getting detention, during her first week of middle school, (for not turning in homework.) All the tears and whining in frustration were followed with another 10 minutes of both of us looking, and still no homework.
Can you relate?
I bet as a mom, you have probably, been there, done that, if not with homework, with a child's shoes, your car keys. etc.....
I had recently been reading and studying up on manifesting your life, and creating the life you want by projecting a positive attitude, following your intuition. I had been real motivated and psyched with what I was learning.
"Okay mom, I thought to myself," "now you can put all this philosophy to the test."
I said,
"Let's kneel down on the floor right now, and ask God to help us find your homework." She started to giggle as if to say, but she knew not to dare say it out loud, "Yeah right, Mom!"
We knelt down and I lead her in a short but to the point prayer. Although small in time, it was still filled with gratitude but we did request immediate help to find her homework.
I can see some of you laughing at me, as this story unfolds.
As soon as we were done, I stood up. I told her to take a deep breath and relax. I did the same. Then I went to the kitchen. I thought to myself, "maybe she was still hungry and brought the homework out here while looking for something else to eat."
I started to walk to the refrigerator. :o) Well who knows, it could have been in there. But before I even got that far, I glanced over to the counter, and there sat her homework packet, on top of the toaster.
I picked it up and took it back to the living room. Now remember, I told her to take a deep breath and relax. She wasn't even through relaxing and I had already found her homework.
Needless to say, my daughter had a hard time believing that I hadn't known it was there all along.
She did know that though, because she had heard my anguish and frustration just minutes earlier with her misplacing it.
Was it just coincidence? Did I just get lucky?
I believe we create our own luck. I have been studying hard lately to eliminate negative thoughts and replace them with power affirming thoughts instead.
I believe God did just what I asked him too. It was my intuition that led me to the kitchen with the thought about her maybe being hungry. The fact that she might have been looking for food when she set down her homework led me straight to the toaster.
In my humble opinion, it was God who planted those thoughts into my mind, because we asked him for some help. When He answers us so quickly, it is really almost impossible not to believe and have faith.
If it was only that easy to have the same type of faith if we were to ask to win the lottery, (which I don't feel is really an appropriate prayer,however). To believe that he could remove all thought, or doubt in our minds that we wouldn't, it might just happen too.
How many of you can honestly say, when you buy a lottery ticket, it is an absolute winner, that you have not one flickering of a doubt that you will have the winning numbers? You would have to have miraculous faith to do this.
You can't really, because it is next to impossible for the human mind, knowing the odds of actually winning, to eliminate all traces of doubt in that particular scenerio. Some of those thoughts are buried so deep in your subconscious that you are not even aware of them.
In contrast though, it was fairly easy for me to have faith that God could help me find my daughter's homework, because I knew it hadn�t grown feet and walked out the door. :o)

The Incredible Power of Prayer

During moments of helplessness, there is always one thing that can be done to make us feel more purposeful: pray. Contrary to traditional prayer poses, we don't have to spend hours on our knees with hands steepled before us. Prayer can actually be a wonderful, calming, energizing, yet comfortable activity. Sit or lie in any position you wish. Arrange yourself as if you were preparing for a long chat with a close friend.
Though prayer can mean different things to different people, most of us would agree that prayer is simply talking to God. But many don't realize that prayer is actually a lot more pro-active than simply talking! When we pray, we are actually setting certain forces into motion. Prayers are thoughts. Thoughts are energy. Energy has power. When we pray, we are purposely setting energy into motion.
Prayer is much more than just "asking for something." Prayer is affirming, visualizing, and having faith that certain circumstances are sure to follow. Remember that God also gave us the ability to create. We create every single day. We use our bodies and minds to generate money (a form of energy) to support our families. Men and women come together to create new life. Artists take a blank canvas and create a breathtaking vision of beauty. For human beings, creating is the simplest form of expression. The most difficult part is deciding what to create and then having the discipline to form our thoughts in that direction.
How does this process of creation apply to victims of a disaster? Beyond the obvious physical necessities of food, water, clothing and shelter, what do these people need the most? They need comfort. They need peace. They need to know that everything is going to be okay again, even though their entire world has just been turned upside down. They are grieving for lost loved ones, homes, friends, jobs, neighbors and so much more. They weathered the storm, they are lucky to be alive, but now what?
Now they begin the slow process of building another life for themselves, which is a frightening thing to do. We are creatures of habit. We like our comfortable, familiar routines. The unknown is scary. And the only thing I've found that can reduce fear is FAITH. But so many of these people are without faith right now. They've lost everything, including hope. We need to send our own faith to help them, huge chunks of faith, swaddled in love and borne on the wings of prayer.
How exactly do we do this? Whether you are a spiritual practitioner or not, whether you are a religious person or not, remember that prayers are simply thoughts. Send positive thoughts. Visualize the victims, individually or as a collective group, and surround them with love, peace, comfort, strength and healing. Make it real, make it strong, make it a powerful vision. The more energy you put into it, the more energy that WILL go into it.
Maybe you have doubts about how well this really works. Do it anyway. Put your doubt aside for a few moments, and pretend it will work. Or do an internet search on the Power of Prayer, and read about the many studies that have been done on this topic. I think you'll be surprised by some of the results.
The strongest benefit of this type of purposeful prayer is that it reduces our feelings of powerlessness. It reminds us that we can co-create with God to make this world a better place, to help our fellow man, and ourselves. Though we may feel powerless much of the time, we are in control of a lot more than we might think.
Will praying for people make all of their trials vanish instantly? Probably not. But what if we can give them something more than the basic necessities of life? What if we can somehow pass along the will to get through another day, the strength to face their grief, and the courage to start over? Isn't that worth the effort? I think so.

Where's the Temple on the Temple Mount?

Something's missing. Rome is synonymous with the Vatican, Mecca with the Kaaba, and Jerusalem's known for its Western Wall. But WHY should we stand before the wall, letting it obstruct our vision, when we could be praying in a Temple? Why should Jews continue to bow before an illegitimate Gentile decree that tells them where to pray? (Isa. 10:1).
The Turks designated the Wall as an alternative "holy" site since Muslims had stolen the Temple Mount! If we rightly refused to accept Uganda as a Jewish "homeland," why should Jews settle for anything less than a Temple for worship?
That basically, is the gist of the message our demonstrations seek to send. The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement doesn't only protest the ongoing Muslim occupation of our Temple Mount, but proclaims that this unnatural set of circumstances will come to an end. We’re confident that Muslim rule on the Temple Mount will soon be history, just as surely as the Berlin Wall fell and Eastern Europe came out from under the Russian heel!
The restoration of Jews from all over the world to their ancient homeland is only the first step towards the redemption of our land and lives. Israel, for the most part, is an empty, secular state. It's about as Jewish as America is Christian! THE FACT THAT THE TEMPLE MOUNT IS STILL WITHOUT A TEMPLE STANDS AS AN INDICTMENT AGAINST ISRAEL! God will hold Israel's political and religious leaders responsible!
Jerusalem's known as the heart of Israel, the crown of the "Jewish" State. The Temple Mount is the crown jewel. This historic Jewish treasure is a "diamond in the rough." It awaits our craftsmen's tender loving care to bring it to the brilliant perfection it deserves (Ps. 50:2). We protest that this responsibility hasn't been fulfilled yet, but we proclaim that these things could change overnight. The world was caught off guard by the rapid succession of events that shook Europe and the former USSR. The "experts" exposed how ignorant they really are.
Nobody needs to be surprised when inevitable events ROCK JERUSALEM, and they feel its aftershocks worldwide. They've been foretold. What's presently missing in Israel will be found when we're filled with our historic mission and accomplish our intended purpose: the restoration of the sacrifices and the construction of the Third Temple!
Shamefully, today's leaders reflect a GHETTO-MENTALITY and expose the sorry state of Israel and Jewish affairs! They're starved for this world's affection, afraid to be different, and too willing to sacrifice our unique identity! God condemns those KAPOS OF COMPROMISE who would rather sell-out than take an unpopular stand!
Whereas it's not politically correct, and goes against our democratic grain, and could result in a backlash - Hanukkah represents those who are willing, if and when necessary, to risk the wrath of others to insure the triumph of good over evil, of light over darkness, and right over wrong.
In this particular case, the Light of what's good and right was the brilliant example of those faithful few Jews who held their head high (sick and tired of being beaten down) and publicly chose to reject alien ideas and destroy imposed idols.
The Maccabees weren't overly concerned with a suicidal fear of world opinion, but mightily expressed their faith in GOD. They didn't flirt with "foreign affairs," or engage in self-destructive interfaith orgies. They kept the faith and cleansed the Temple Mount of its spiritual filth.
World Jewry continues to celebrate Hanukkah to this day, but in the spirit of hypocrisy! We're more like the COWERING HELLENISTS who assimilated, rather than the courageous Maccabees who fought to remain true to themselves!
Thank Heavens, there are a growing number in Israel who want to see Jerusalem restored as our spiritual center, and our lives rededicated to Biblical ideals, not humanist ideas. Pray for Jerusalem's peace and the rekindling of Israel's light!

Operation Save Israel!

Imagine if America's 5 million plus Jews suddenly decided to follow their religion back to the Jewish homeland, return to Zion, make aliyah ("emmigrate") to the Promised Land of Israel, putting their faith and prayers into practice!
Religious Jews pray daily for the return of the exiles and "Next year in Jerusalem" at Passover. Imagine if American Jewry repented of their hypocritical prayers and put their hearts into such prayers and were moved to actually move to Israel and pray in Jerusalem THIS year!
Imagine if America's many rabbis and Jewish "leaders" would suddenly lead by example and move to the Jewish homeland.
From Israel's national anthem, Ha-Tikvah (the Hope):

As long as deep in the heart,
The soul of a Jew yearns,
And towards the East,
An eye looks to Zion,
Our hope is not lost ...

From the ADL's Yearning for Zion:
The two-thousand-year-old daily prayers continually refer to the return to Zion, such as this one from the thrice-daily silent devotion: "And let our eyes behold Thy return in mercy to Zion. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, who restorest Thy divine presence unto Zion." Among other numerous examples, the return to Zion is included in the grace after meals and Passover Seder tables resonate every year with the refrain "Next Year in Jerusalem."
The seventh blessing of the weekday Amidah prayer is called Ge'ulah ("redemption") and appeals to the LORD for redemption and deliverance.
Behold our affliction and champion our cause, and redeem us speedily for the sake of Thy Name. Blessed are You, Lord, Redeemer of Israel.
The Jewish homeland is today in peril. As Gaza goes (with the illegal expulsion of 8500 Jews from their homes, property and businesses), so goes Israel. Dictator Sharon is trampling democracy and despising the Jewish inheritance of the Promised Land of Israel. The secular intensify their campaign to further cut Israelis and Jews off from their Hebrew roots and biblical lands, slitting Israel's throat for sworn enemies who vow genocide against the Jews and plan to pervert Israel into "Palestine!"
Why Do So Many Religious Jews Live in America? is a must read!
I encourage every American Jew to follow their religion back to the Jewish homeland, fulfilling the mitzva (command/good deed) out of loving obedience to our Great Creator God, the God of the Bible, the God of Israel, and empowering themselves to fulfill many more within the Holy Land, and to help save Israel from self-destruction from those anti-democratic and anti-Semitic men and measures with their love of freedom of speech and religion, having been raised in these Lands of the Covenant (the United States/Menashe) to cherish such God given rights.
May faithful Jews not confuse Ersatz New York with Eretz Yisrael!
Israel needs American Jews and American Jews need Israel!
Let OPERATION SAVE ISRAEL begin immediately and make history and answer prayers and stop the madness in the Jewish homeland! Such a great influx of American Jews into Eretz Israel could help sweep away the suicidal peace process and restore Israel to its right mind!
Let the blessings begin!
If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, what am I? And if not now, when?
~ Rabbi Hillel -

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

You Don't See Many Chickens in Clearance

Retailers are not always perfect judges of what will sell in any given location or during a particular season. Seeing literal truckloads of new merchandise arrive on a regular basis as a store manager, I caught myself wondering what the buyers were thinking on more than one occasion. The ceramic monkey candleholders are a good example. The daily joke in one store was another store's best seller. The silver plated cigar holders tarnished three times over and were reduced to a dollar before they sold because they predated the cigar smoking craze. Worst were the masses of candles that hung around so long, dented and dusty, that they lost their scent. All of the above, and multitudes of unnamed souls, ended up in clearance.
But chickens are another story.
Walk through almost any home interiors or decorating store and you are bound to discover a whole separate division dedicated to chicken-themed merchandise. Even if you are not a decorative chicken aficionado, take a peek at what the human imagination can make of one small bird. There are chicken statues in all shapes and sizes, some standing alone in a relatively natural-looking state, some gathered together in small groups, destined to spend eternity dressed as human beings from the 19th century. There are chicken bookends, door stops and dinnerware. Dishtowels, vacuum cleaner covers and tablecloths all have their place at chickenland central. Do you own a set of chicken salt and pepper shakers? Does your friend have a piece of chicken serveware? Chances are good that either you or at least one or two of your friends have brought home a buddy from the piles and miles of product available in this motif. Because, as my friend who still works as a retail manager pointed out, "You don't see many chickens in clearance."
After pondering that bit of wisdom for awhile, my mind moved on to considering where we place value in our culture, and how interesting it is that we value chickens as a decorative tool in our homes. Further along in my thought process, I recalled all the parables Jesus told to help the disciples, and the crowds that followed him from place to place, understand the concept of the kingdom of heaven. How do you convey something so vast and glorious, yet so poignantly real and available to a people all but crushed by the brutality of the Roman Empire? Jesus' answer was to wrap this beautiful jewel in stories that allowed its brightness to both shine, and be held dearly to their hearts. So, in one of those parables, Matthew's gospel tells us, "The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who in finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it." (Matthew 13:45-46)
Perhaps there is a connection to be made, and a new parable to write for our modern culture to grasp the idea of this thing called the kingdom of heaven. Perhaps the kingdom of heaven is like woman in search of fine decorative chickens, who in finding one chicken of great value, went and sold all that she had and bought it. Perhaps there is no greater treasure. Perhaps that is why you don't see many chickens in clearance.

Prayers for the People

Early news reports that indicated Hurricane Katrina had dodged New Orleans enough to avoid the worst were wrong.
The Gulf Coast is suffering today in ways that are unimaginable to any of us who have anything other than nothing. Reporters are unflinching in telling us the stories: no food or water for the people at the Astrodome, who also must literally live with the dead because there is nowhere to take them; streets still flooded five days after the storm, and more water pouring in because the levees are collapsed; one block of hundreds of thousands of blocks comprised of shattered homes, cars and bodies yet to be discovered. Perhaps the most horrific picture is the broadening belief that no one cares enough to come help because there is no way to spread the news that help is coming.
Among all the horror, help is coming. There are emergency rooms being set up at the New Orleans airport. The streets of Biloxi, Mississippi, are beginning to be cleared with bulldozers. Some cell phone service is being restored so communication lines are opening up. One Texas city, willing to receive 25,000 refugees, has offered to now welcome 75,000 people. Tonight a concert on the NBC network will gather donations for the relief effort. Signs of hope are lighting the way to see over the horizon.
We can add to that light, even at a distance. As people of faith we can make a significant difference in people's lives on the Gulf Coast simply by continuing to live by what we believe.
First, we can contribute financially in whatever way we can and feel directed to do.
Second, we can continue to pay attention to the news, to know and to understand as much as possible about what is happening, and to see the relief efforts as they are impacting the devastated area. Every time someone is able to make this situation better than it was, God's will is being carried out in a dramatic, concrete way. In these acts, more hope and more of God's grace is revealed, and we must remember to be grateful and express that gratitude to God.
Third, we can pray. We must pray, for the residents, the relief workers and those who will follow to help rebuild. If we as a people of faith do nothing else, we must believe for the people of the Gulf Coast that, as the Gospel of John states, "The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it."

Christians Denied Right To Pray On Jerusalem's Temple Mount

Subj: FW: guest book note
From: ***
To: dbenariel
Dear Mr Ben-Ariel,
In Jerusalem, religious sites are supervised by the relevant religious authority. Fot this reason, the Temple Mount, which is now covered by Muslim sites, is under the control of the WAQF. Only Islamic prayers are permitted as a result - just as Moslem and Christian prayers would be inappropriate at a Jewish site. The matter of visits to the Temple Mount by adherents of other religions than Islam is under review by the Israeli Government.
I would like to point out that your use of the word Nazi as a generic term for authoritarianism cheapens the Holocaust and the unparralleled experiences of those who went through it at the hands of the real Nazis. I am quite sure that, however unpleasant you found your treatment at the hands of the Arab guards of the Temple Mount, it bears absolutely no relation to the treatment of the Nazis towards their victims.
Mori Glaser (Ms)
Deputy International Affairs Advisor to the Mayor of Jerusalem
-----Original Message-----
From: David Ben-Ariel
To: ****
Subject: guest book note
Christian prayer forbidden on Temple Mount
Why does Israel permit militant Muslims to continue to occupy Judaism's holiest site: the Temple Mount? Why are Christian-Zionists and Jews ILLEGALLY forbidden to pray upon the Temple Mount by Arab-Nazi guards? I was quietly reading my Bible once upon the Temple Mount and was taken away, into protective custody! Why not REMOVE THE THREAT? Where's the "freedom of access" Israel promises?
Dear Ms. Glaser,
Toda raba for promptly responding to my legitimate concerns about verboten Jewish and Christian prayers upon the judenrein Temple Mount. Please understand that my use of the term Nazi was on purpose considering how I was rudely treated by the Arab fascists and witnessed the ugly face of their militant Muslim mentality that easily morphs into Hitler's henchmen: "When the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem visited Hitler on November 30, 1941, he told him the German Reich was "admired by the whole Arab world." "The Arabs were Germany's friends because they have the same enemies as had Germany, namely the English, the Jews and the Communists." (Documents on German Foreign Policy publicized by the Philadelphia Trumpet magazine, May 2003/
Please understand, therefore, that it is not I who take this serious matter lightly, but those kapos of compromise, those Jewish accomplices to Muslim occupation of Judaism's holiest site! They are the guilty ones who have foolishly forgotten or purposely ignored this history and "cheapened the holocaust and unparalleled experiences of those who went through it at the hands of the real Nazis." The thoughts and actions of the terrorist Wakf are those of "real Nazis."
It's past time the Nazi occupation of the Temple Mount come "under review." I am a witness to their sinful crimes (they've broken both Israeli and biblical law) and testify against them. May Israel soon give them das boot!