Sunday 17 May 2009

Real Leadership

Civil war in Africa. This simple four word phrase seems to sum up the perception of most outsiders throughout the world when asked about the state of affairs on the African continent, the birth place of mankind. In the last 40 years twenty countries, or almost 50 percent of all nations south of the Sahara, have experienced at least one period of civil war. This state of affairs has stereotyped Africa as a doomed continent rife with ethnic and tribal conflict.
Though many attribute the source of these various conflicts to ethnic and tribal differences, researchers at The World Bank concluded, after a careful study, that failure at both a political and economic level are at the root cause of most civil conflicts. Ibrahim Elbadaur and Nicholas Sambanis wrote that political and economic development can effectively reduce or eradicate political violence in Africa.
Enter Gabon, which seems to be at the eye of this tumultuous African storm. Gabon is one of the few countries in Central Africa that has never -- since its independence from France -- been affected by an armed conflict. Gabon, an oil-rich Central African nation, with a population of 1,300,000 and a geographic area of 26,700 square kilometers, is considered one of the most stable in the region.
For almost 40 years, El Hadj Omar Bongo Ondimba has served as President of the West African coastal country of Gabon. Under his leadership, Gabon has become one of Africa's wealthiest and more prosperous countries fueled in part by the discovery of oil. According to the World Fact Book, Gabon enjoys a per capita income four times that of most nations of sub-Saharan Africa.
Critics attribute much of Bongo's success to his strong arming of the political system and his use of patronage throughout his own political party. It is hard to argue with his success however in keeping Gabon out of armed conflict with rival factions within the country.
Bongo rose quickly within the leadership structure of Gabon. He entered civil service in 1958, was promoted to Minister of Information and Tourism in 1966, and was named Vice-President in 1967. He took over the office of President a year later at the age of 32 after Leon M'ba, the country's first president, became ill and died suddenly.
Despite the troubles in the headlines of papers throughout the world concerning Gabon's neighbors like Cameroon, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, and Zaire, Gabon has been a rock of stability. Although the country was initially constituted around a one party system in the early 60's, Bongo prodded the country to a multiparty democracy by 1990. Although it would have served him to maintain the single party system, Bongo legalized opposition parties at that time and Gabon has been a model for the rest of Africa since. Many have attributed the success story of Gabon's unprecedented peace, stability and economic status to Bongo's experience and leadership.
In the upcoming elections, in 2005, there has been some controversy about the nature of the election process itself. The opposition, headed by a former ally of President Bongo, Zacharie Myboto, has been critical of the two day election process. He points out that the military will be voting first, alluding to the fact that this could somehow sway the general electorate. However, the mere fact that the opposition can speak out against Bongo, without fear of recrimination, is a testament to budding democracy that is forming in Gabon under President Bongo's political leadership. Bongo is quick to remind his detractors that it has taken the U.S. over two centuries to develop a legitimate election process. He also points out that many Americans still have concerns over the fairness of both statewide and national elections.
President Bongo has not solely focused all his efforts on political change. He has also been a true early adopter where the rights of women in his own country are concerned. Due to the actions of Gabon's President real social reforms have occurred focused on equal opportunity for women. Bongo institutionalized the observance of women's rights and parity. He instituted compulsory schooling of all girls age 6 to 16 years. He created a Ministry for the Family, child welfare and promotion of the woman, and the protection of widows and the orphans. "Where the men have failed the women must succeed", stated Bongo on many occasions.
The President of Gabon has also been credited for his efforts to restore peace and stability throughout Central Africa, in particular the Republic of the Congo, Chad, the Central African Republic and Sao Tome and Principe. In October 2001, the former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, serving as mediator in the political and ethnic crisis of Burundi, entrusted Bongo with the mission to pursue negotiations with the armed movements of Burundi. Mr. Mandela has great respect and appreciation for President Bongo as Bongo was one of the few who supported him financially during his exile.
Recently Bongo, co-chaired the 60th anniversary of the United Nations, alongside Swedish Prime Minister Goran Persson, which was held in September, 2005. Bongo opened the event with an appeal for worldwide action to prevent conflict and genocide. Bongo also focused his efforts on the plight of Africa, seeking more support for the promotion of human rights and conflict resolution. The 38 year president of Gabon, echoed the sentiment of Sweden's Prime Minister, calling on the Summit to �act together to give our future generations a better world.�
The leader of Gabon has always had a strong interest in the welfare of those of African decent who now reside in the United States. Bongo, though a practicing Muslim, sought the assistance of Rodney Sampson CEO of The Intellect Group and founder of the World Christian Times , to develop a presence in the US whereby the Gabonese President could effect change in the lives of many Americans. The Living Legacy Foundation, a US non-profit organization based out of Atlanta and chaired by Bongo, has now been launched to train and raise up one million young leaders in the US, Africa and around the world.
The announcement of the organization has received broad support from a number of world leaders in politics, faith and business, including Bishop Mike Jocktane of France and Gabon and Bishop Carlton Pearson of the US. �After I was approached by President Bongo's senior advisor Bishop Mike Jocktane, about representing and advising the President in North America and Gabon, my firm conducted extensive due diligence on both President Bongo and his country.�, states Sampson. �Simply put, Bongo gets things done and facilitates real change. This global leader doesn't just talk a good game, he delivers - locally and abroad. That is refreshing when talking about any head of state�.
Living Legacy will target the pop and hip hop culture within the US. �We will accomplish our goals and objectives through a number of high profile international events, �train the trainer� training techniques, organizational partnership and strategic outreach,� said Rodney Sampson. �Our first major event, Leadership 2006, will be held next year in Atlanta.�
In direct contrast to how President Bongo's political opposition in the upcoming election portrays him, Bongo's inaugural event for the Living Legacy Foundation, LEADERSHIP 2006 is a major highly progressive global leadership event bringing together prominent leaders in business, politics, religion and government from all faiths, creeds and disciplines. Some dignitaries, celebrities and other prominent figures that have been invited to participate are: Former South African President Nelson Mandela; former US President Bill Clinton; Reverend Jessie Jackson; The Honorable Minister Lewis Farrakhan; Rick Warren; John Maxwell; actor Chris Tucker; Bono; and Kanye West. This divergent group will converge in Atlanta to exchange, contribute and plan the execution of real ongoing activities for cultivating tomorrow's leadership.
Despite criticism from his opponents, it seems that President Bongo's growing legacy is one of �stable change for the better�. It is not always the loudest in the group that gets the most done. Sometimes the person who has been around the longest is the one who can get results in the real world. That about sums up Gabon and the leader of this Island of Tranquility, Omar Bongo.
Bruce Prokopets
Executive Editor
Press Direct International

Saturday 16 May 2009

Help Your Bunny Survive the Cold

Winter is now approaching and so the issue of cold weather is on many peoples minds. Bunnies handle the severe cold much better than they handle the severe heat. There are two basic issues you must be concerned about during the winter months.
First, make sure your bunny has water available. During the winter months we go with crocks instead of water bottles for all of our outside rabbits. The tube of the water bottle freezes much too quickly. We then check the water three times a day to make sure the water is not frozen. If your bunny does not have enough water, it will not eat enough food to keep it warm.
The second thing to consider is shelter from the wind, rain and snow. A wet rabbit cannot maintain the correct body temperature, and this is further compounded by the wind. Yes, wind chill factors make the rabbit feel even colder than the actual temperature. It is important not to completely block ventilation in barns and sheds. Ventilation in your rabbitry is just as important in the winter as it is in the summer. Insulating a barn for the winter will help keep the barn a little warmer. A balance between shelter and ventilation is important.
There are several other things you can do for your rabbits to keep them safe during the winter. We always give extra straw or timothy hay to our bunnies in the winter. This allows them to snuggle into the hay should the temperatures get really cold. Additionally, you can place nest boxes in all of your cages, as an extra place for the rabbits to snuggle into. This would be similar to a wild rabbit going into its den during extreme cold.
Breeding through the winter can present a problem. Baby bunnies are born without fur. The mother compensates for this by pulling her fur and covering the babies. There are a couple of options available to winter breeders. Using a heat lamp, will give the additional warmth a baby may need to survive. Also, the nestbox could also be brought inside the house for the first two weeks. Of course the nestbox would need to go out to the doe once or twice a day so that she can feed her kits. After a couple of weeks they have enough fur to survive the cold temperatures, and will often huddle together or nestle up to the doe to stay warm.
Heaters can be used to keep buildings warm. Keep in mind the extra cost of doing so. Often these are more for our comfort than for the rabbits. The nice thing about a heater is that water crocks won�t freeze as quickly, and the barn is a little warmer when you go out to care for the rabbits.
Rabbits can survive the cold. Your diligence in making sure they have fresh water, greatly increase their comfort level and chances of survival.

The Sovereignty Of God And The Gospel

What does the recent tsunami, the terrorist attacks on 9/11, The Holocaust, the Great Depression, the sinking of Titanic, the rise and fall of the great Roman Empire, and the execution of Jesus all have in common? The God of the Bible is ultimately responsible for all seven events in history!
There is a powerful yet obscure verse in the Bible that I believe heralds this the loudest. The Old Testament book of Isaiah reads, "That they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other; I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the Lord, do all these things" (Isaiah 45:6, 7). In other words, the God of the Bible controls all things at all times.
If you have been blessed in life, those blessings have ultimately come from this God. If you have experienced suffering or have been beset by tragedy, this too, ultimately came from the hand of the same God. The Creator of the universe is sovereign over His universe; otherwise He is no God at all. God makes no apologizes for how He governs the world, nor does He seek counsel as to how to rule it. He is God. He is the independent, self-existent, and self-sufficient One.
One of the age old questions that skeptics demand answered is, "If God is all-powerful and all-loving why does He allow suffering and evil in the world?" That is a legitimate question if the ones asking it desire to know the Biblical truth behind it. Though that question cannot be adequately addressed for lack of space, the Bible does address it. In short, the God of the Bible wants you to know that though He is sovereign and has predestined all things, whether good or bad, to accomplish His eternal purposes, He is also a God of divine and perfect love.
Do you need biblical proof of that? The Apostle John stated two thousand years ago that "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). How did God give His Son? God "gave" His Son over to wicked men to be crucified in order that sinners like you and I can be reconciled to the very God we have offended by our lawlessness against Him.
Who ultimately killed Jesus? The same sovereign God did! In the same book of Isaiah, less than ten chapters from the first text we read, and centuries before Christ came to earth, we read of Jesus the Messiah, "But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed...And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all...Yet it pleased God to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief" (Isaiah 53).
The tragedies mentioned above are but a few reminders that mankind cannot control his or her destiny. God does. And though calamity is often included in His plan, He has also decreed love to be found only in Christ Jesus. And He demonstrated His love in the crucifixion of His Son.

God Does Not Believe In Atheists

Dear Atheist: When was the last time you seriously considered the diversity of nature? Have you ever questioned the instruction you received in the classroom concerning the world you live in? If you are truly open-minded perhaps you will consider the following questions.
Does evolution have direct answers to the following elementary questions: How does a big bang explain the innumerable amount of species of living things? Why is there sound and taste? And how did they evolve? Why do some creatures fly, while others swim, and some slither? Why do some creatures have two legs, while others have four and some eight? Why are some species predators while others are prey? Why do some creatures hibernate year after year while others must continue in motion to survive? Why do birds build nests, beavers construct dams, and spiders spin webs? Why are there millions of galaxies and trillions of stars? Why are there springs, rivers, and oceans? Why are there four seasons? Why does sand gather along the coastal shores and in the midst of deserts? Why do birds sing, wolves howl, and cats meow? Why is the world so colorful? Why are there a multitude of foreign languages? Why is the human brain more complex than the most powerful computer? Why do Humans have a conscience while animals have basic instincts? Why does nature possess certain natural laws while humans form laws to govern society? How did all these things come to be and why?
Can evolution adequately explain how colors evolved? How does evolution justify which birds fly, which swim, and which migrate? How does evolution account for so many species of sharks? Why could they not all be great whites? Why are there so many different shapes, sizes, and colors of flowers? Why not all evolve into red roses? Why is there big, small, short, and tall? How does evolution address the complex issue of DNA? How does the theory explain why there are no two fingerprints alike or two snowflakes that are identical?
If evolution is scientific, why does the theory suffer constant inconsistency and contradiction within evolutionary circles? And why do we teach a theory as if it is indeed a fact? Speculation, not science, is at the root of evolution. For science to be science it must be repeatable and observable. And since NO ONE has EVER observed a whale evolve into a cow, a cat into a dog, or a monkey into a man, we have nothing? The evolutionary process we long to embrace, by the very definition of science, is not scientific at all.
So why do the masses believe in and propagate an insane idea called evolution? Is it because you refuse to believe in the obvious alternative, a Creator? And not just any Creator, but a holy One, of which we are all accountable to and will someday face.
What is the one thing that God and mankind have in common? Sin, of course. God hates sin and we love it. God gave laws forbidding it and man boasts that laws are meant to be broken. We refuse to be accountable to this God for our transgressions against Him. So what did we do? We exchanged the truth of God for the lie of evolution. Now we can have our cake and eat it too. No longer shall we give an account to the God of the it seems. But are you willing to stake your soul on that? The Bible says, "It is appointed for man to die once, and then the judgment" (Hebrews 9:27).
Indeed, Charles Darwin and Carl Sagan now know there is a God! And like them, you too will stand before your Creator to give an account for your offenses against Him. There is, however, a wise alternative. The very God that spoke the universe into existence became a man, was crucified, and raised from the dead. He bids you to come. Will you not do the obvious and turn from your sin and follow the Lord Jesus Christ while you have life? Your faith in an evolutionary theory that allows your sin will bring you right to the throne of God one day. He, Jesus, will either be your Savior, or your Judge.
God does not believe in atheists!


Some may ask, why do people have to change? Change is a natural occurrence in all of life. There are four season changes. The weather shifts from the blistering cold to a sweltering summer. In our flesh, we transition from babies to toddlers to adults to the elderly. Change can be positive, helping our relationships become more healthy. Or change can decompose those relationships over a period of time while we look the other way. Let�s look at Isaiah 42:
8I am the LORD, that is My name;
And My glory I will not give to another,
Nor My praise to carved images.
9Behold, the former things have come to pass,
And new things I declare;
Before they spring forth I tell you of them.�
Isaiah 42:8 & 9
It tells us that nothing in life remains constant. It is either growing, or dying. If a relationship is not being enhanced, encouraged and developed, it may maintain for a short period , but it will eventually deteriorate.
There can be no excuse for being overtaken by change. The old saying, �Things just changed,� is not a valid reason. Change within a relationship is never a sudden occurrence. A relationship breakup does not just happen without there being a deterioration of some kind first. This could be a lack of trust, lack of affection or no communication.
This is also the same for a positive future. It just doesn�t happen by itself. It has to be worked at. Proverbs 20:4 says �A lazy man will not plough in the winter and will beg during the harvest.� For positive change to occur hard work needs to be put into a relationship. This work is hard mentally, physically, emotionally and also spiritually.
When we are faced with difficulty in change, this can be traced back to fear. It could be a fear of failure, a fear of a lack of appreciation or any other fear. When we are faced with these fears, our natural reaction is to begin to place the blame upon others. We may even try to run away and hide so we don�t have to face the change that has occurred in out life.
�Do not remember the former things,
Nor consider the things of old.
19Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.
20The beast of the field will honor Me,
The jackals and the ostriches,
Because I give waters in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert,
To give drink to My people, My chosen.
21This people I have formed for Myself;
They shall declare My praise.
The way we can begin to face those fears and reconcile ourselves with change is to understand it begins with little steps. Everyday we can learn something small. Every day a procurable goal can be set for yourself. For example, don�t aim toward being a famous guitarist next week. First make an appointment for guitar lessons. Taking one step at a time, goals become achievable.
When we sit back in our stagnant relationships, remember just because it�s comfortable now doesn�t mean it doesn�t need work. That relationship could be slowly fading. Consistent effort and change is a positive thing. Just remember to everyday take those small steps toward a positive change.
Ps. Brent Campbell

Friday 15 May 2009

Life Outside of You

One of the most attractive things about someone is their ability to live outside of themselves. Think about it: We are drawn by those unusual people who give all the money that they win to charity, we are emboldened by the single parent who is literally killing herself with three jobs to give a life to her son that will benefit him. We are riveted by people who risk their lives every day to save the one trapped in a dangerous situation.
It�s as if the image of God suddenly becomes more than a shadow of the things to come, but the very essence of a person as they look to benefit others instead of availing themselves.
I know a single woman who desperately wants to be married more than anything. However, her biggest stumbling block is that she is a �taker� and not a �giver�. Despite many potential relationships with pretty eligible guys, the relationships end far from the dreams she dreamed.
Getting a date is not the primary goal. Giving your life in as many ways as you can is what fuels us to the finish line. Living a life sold out to Jesus and showing that in hands-on practical ways is the most attractive thing to any other person seeking to do the same.
It�s being utterly concerned with the lost person you work with to the point of taking the plunge of being involved in their lives. It�s changing the diapers in nursery because your forward thinking puts you in those weary parents shoes some day and it�s your privilege to give them a much-needed break. It�s being the most faithful renter your landlord has ever seen.
If this quality characteristic is the most sought after part of who you are, getting dates and keeping them will be the least that you will reap. You will find yourself walking in the footsteps of the One who knew what it was like to touch a leper, heal the broken and befriend the lonely.
There were a lot of people who found that man attractive. They will see Him in you and find it attractive as well. Single. Dating. Married. All of the above. Start giving, not taking. See where it gets you.

Will the Atlantic Times address the German threat?

Congratulations to The Atlantic Times on its first-anniversary issue! As reported by "This week in Germany," the English-language paper was launched "to stop the drifting apart of Europe and America, and especially Germany and America … and to build on common ground while learning to live with our differences," said the paper's executive editor, the renowned journalist Theo Sommer...the paper has featured scores of articles by prominent leaders and experienced journalists from both sides of the Atlantic..."Our basic message, in print and online, has been, and will be: We are still friends, and we must remain friends," said Sommer. "So let us not confront each other with swollen necks, but let us reason together."
Noble aims that are praiseworthy indeed! Mr. Theo Sommer is definitely to be commended for his efforts. However, based upon the stark testimony of the two witnesses of history and the Bible, Germany and the United States are going to continue to have some very serious disagreements that will ultimately destroy our friendship, alienate our countries and find Germany leading the European Union in a blitzkrieg nuclear attack against the United States!
Before that horrifying "Time of Jacob's Trouble," "the Great Tribulation," the British-Israelites will trust the Assyrian-Germans with their security! Our Anglo-Saxon fools will increasingly rely on blind alliances with Germany and Europe that will be broken to pieces like so much shattered crystal!
Hosea 7:11
Ephraim (Anglo-Saxons) also is like a silly dove, without sense— They call to Egypt, They go to Assyria (Germany).
Herbert W. Armstrong, chancellor of Ambassador College and founder of the Worldwide Church of God and editor-in-chief of The Plain Truth magazine and broadcaster of The World Tomorrow radio and television program, warned the world for years that a European combine, driven by Germany, would thresh the nations! He dared to make such bold proclamations when Germany was in rubble after WWII and divided!
Germany is destined to lead the European Union against the American, British and Jewish peoples, a divine instrument to punish us for our intolerable sins that rise up against Heaven (not that they're sinless):
Isaiah 10:5-8
5 Woe to Assyria (Germany), the rod of My anger
And the staff in whose hand is My indignation.
6 I will send him against an ungodly nation (the Anglo-Saxons and Jews),
And against the people of My wrath
I will give him charge,
To seize the spoil, to take the prey,
And to tread them down like the mire of the streets.
7 Yet he does not mean so,
Nor does his heart think so;
But it is in his heart to destroy,
And cut off not a few nations.
It is not in Germany's mind today, or its present peaceful people, to wage war against us, but that will all change overnight, after a head-on collision with the Islamic leader of a confederation of Muslim states, their mahdi, whetting Europe's appetite for more blood and morphing the EU into THE BEAST. They will destroy all Muslim opposition with a vengeance!
Whereas most Germans are not aware of vile intentions of influential Germans under Jesuit influence to revive the unholy Roman Empire of the German Nation, the Fourth Reich, to embark on a new crusade into the Middle East, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall bares their grand design before the world!
The Atlantic Times, regardless of whether or not they believe any of this prophetic scenario possible, owes it to their readers to address this issue that is most serious to a growing number of Bible-believing Christians and many Jews. Can we trust them to deliver?